The pattern of the resulting data that can be obtained for each basic method. The resulting pattern of each single-cell profiling method reflects the pattern of the basic method associated with it. The figure format was based on the figure in the paper (Ja-Rang Lee, et al. 2018) [45]. (a) An example of the final data pattern represented by the single-cell method based on RRBS. According to the basic principle of RRBS, reads are observed mainly at high-CG positions. (b) An example of the final data pattern represented by the single-cell method based on WGBS. According to the basic principle of WGBS, a relatively even distribution of reads is observed. (c) Example of the pattern of results in single-cell (sc)CGI-seq where methylation-sensitive restriction enzymes (MSREs) are used. Similar to RRBS, the read is observed at the high-CG position in the genome, but the methylated site can be observed based on the difference between the control and the sample.