LFIA of RBD in artificially contaminated saliva. (a) Test strips with Au NPs; (b) Test strips after silver enhancement; (c) Test strips after galvanic-assisted Au deposition; (d) Test strips after gold enhancement: the numbers above the test strips show the concentration of RBD in the probe, in ng/mL, equal to 500 (1), 250 (2), 125 (3), 62.5 (4), 31.2 (5), 15.6 (6), 7.8 (7), 3.9 (8), 1.95 (9), 0.98 (10), 0.49 (11), 0.,24 (12), 0.12 (13), 0.06 (14), 0.03 (15). Concentration of RBD, in pg/mL, is equal to 15 (16), 7.5 (17), 3.8 (18), 1.9 (19), 0.9 (20), 0.05 (21), blank (0); (e) Dependences of the colorimetric signal in TZs versus RBD concentrations for various LFIA formats.