Percent change predicted by combining treatment parameters for pembrolizumab and ipilimumab with no further adjustments. (a) show good fits to the waterfall plots reported in ref. 6. (b) Bar chart comparing simulated Response Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumors (RECIST) version 1.1 scores using unadjusted metastases model underestimates of objective response rates (ORRs; complete response [CR] + partial response [PR]) and overestimates of progressive disease (PD). The simulations from the adjusted model match the data (c) event probability (for example, probability that a virtual patient [VP] gets new metastatic lesion) is assumed to be a sigmoidal function of SLD and it is computed every 12 weeks. Model adjusted to match combination (pembrolizumab + ipilimumab) RECIST suggests fewer events on combination compared to monotherapy and that needs to be investigated further