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. 2021 Jul 9;12:643758. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.643758


Classification of the responses.

Response Classification
Self-isolate and try to figure the problem with the ambulance. Unclear
Nothing will happen to him/her. Skeptic
Since the doctors cannot be relied on, self-treatment seems the best option. Trust
Human lives cannot be trusted to such doctors. Trust
One cannot speak on behalf of Robert without knowing him. Unclear
Not to infect others. Concern for others
Wake up, take care of your body hygiene: brush your teeth, rinse the throat, drink tea. Do not be afraid of anything, keep hygiene and live your daily life. Skeptic
The best option in the given situation. Unclear
If the doctors are not competent and the hospital is not sufficiently equipped it makes no sense to seek treatment. Trust
Seek treatment in case of worsening symptoms. Wait
Go to the doctor in case of worsening symptoms. Wait
If Anna got an ordinary flu, the likelihood of getting sick with COVID-19 in the hospital will only increase. Wait
It does not make sense to go to hospital in these circumstances. Trust
This option is the most appropriate among all. There is no capacity in the hospital in case of the second option. In case of the third option people around are under risk. The last option would be more appropriate if there were many medical institutions. In the meantime, self-treatment without knowledge is useless. Trust
Since COVID-19 is fake. I would respond differently, if all these were true. Skeptic
Given the circumstances, Anna’s condition will get even worse in the hospital. Trust
If a treatment for this illness does not exist it does not make sense to seek treatment, especially when the doctors are of such quality. Better to self-treat oneself at home. Trust
Self-treatment: given the description, the patient would not receive sufficient treatment in the hospital. Trust
Given the circumstances it does not make sense to go to the doctor. The most sensible option is at least to self-isolate not to harm others around. Trust
If the health system is in such a horrible state, then it makes no sense to seek treatment. Furthermore, everyone understood that everything happening around is 90% fake. Something else is masked under this and people are being cheated. Trust
I am skeptical about all this. Skeptic
He/she should rely on himself/herself. Trust
It can be a simple flu. Wait
If the country lacks good health system, that is the only option. The health system should induce trust. Trust
Maybe it is also a matter of national mentality. In any case, in the given circumstances it is better to rely on the care of adequate relatives, since from psychological perspective he/she will recover faster. Trust
If he/she must queue and there is a chance that he/she is sick, he/she can infect others. In these circumstances, one should self-isolate not to infect others. Concern for others
I think, first one should self-isolate himself/herself, if there are no serious symptoms. Wait
Not to infect others. Concern for others
Wait for worsening of the situation. Wait
If the hospitals are in abovementioned condition, it is better to self-isolate. Trust
Trust in self-isolation. Trust
At least people are more caring at home. Trust
Self-isolate, so that others do not get sick. Concern for others
If Robert does not trust doctors, he can at least ask advice from relatives. He can also use literature and social media. Trust
Since there is no such thing as COVID, I think he can live an ordinary life. Skeptic
The most important thing during COVID is cleanness and the hygiene rules. If those are missing in the hospitals, self-isolation becomes more important. Trust
Given the circumstances going to hospital is more dangerous. Trust
If the doctors are incompetent and hygiene rules are not followed in the hospitals, going to hospitals is riskier. Trust
It is better to die doing nothing than because of such doctors. Trust