Table 1.
Arrows weight values in the directed acyclic graphs.
Arrow | Value determining arrow thickness | ||
From | To | BIC | Directional probability |
Descr | Obs | − 47.98 | 0.60 |
Descr | NonReact | − 50.97 | 0.57 |
Acting | Descr | − 65.10 | 0.72 |
Acting | NonJudge | − 171.58 | 0.64 |
NonReact | Obs | − 61.23 | 0.64 |
NonJudge | Obs | − 55.47 | 0.77 |
NonJudge | NonReact | − 0.15 | 0.56 |
BIC = change in Bayesian Information Criterion when that arrow is removed from the network. BIC values determine arrow thickness in Fig. 5A (reflecting the importance of that edge to the network structure). For the BIC values, negative values correspond to decreases in the network score that would be caused by the arrow’s removal. In other words, negative scores mean that model fit improves with the presence of that arrow. Directional probability values determine arrow thickness in Fig. 5B (reflecting the frequency that arrow was present in that direction in the 10,000 bootstrapped networks).
Obs observing, Descr describing, Acting acting with awareness, NonReact nonreactivity to inner experience, NonJudge nonjudgment of inner experience.