RALF34 impacts auxin-controlled primary root growth. (A) RALF34 expression in the primary root tip as visualised through pRALF34::n3xRFP in 7-day-old seedlings. (B) Primary root length (cm) of 7 days after germination seedlings: wild type Col-0 (n = 133), Ler (n=40), and RALF34 T-DNA insertion mutants ralf34-1 (n = 104) and ralf34-2 (n = 120). Boxplots with Tukey-based whiskers and outliers (dots) show data from three biological replicates. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (p < 0.001) based on Student’s t-test when T-DNA line is compared to its control. (C) Primary root length (cm) of Col-0 and ralf34-1 seedlings 10 days after germination grown on various concentrations of NAA: 0 nM/EtOH mock (n = 63 and 48 for Col-0 and ralf34-1, respectively), 50 nM (n = 59 and 56 for Col-0 and ralf34-1, respectively), 100 nM (n = 61 and 41 for Col-0 and ralf34-1, respectively), 200 nM (n = 62 and 43 for Col-0 and ralf34-1, respectively) and 300 nM (n = 41 and 24 for Col-0 and ralf34-1, respectively). Boxplots with Tukey-based whiskers and outliers (dots) show data from 2 biological replicates. Letters indicate significant difference according to two-way ANOVA with Tukey post-hoc test (p < 0.05). (D) Normalised growth for 6 h (to mock condition) for 5-day-old Col-0 and ralf34-1 seedlings treated with indicated IAA concentration. Boxplots with Tukey-based whiskers and outliers (7 < n < 11). Asterisks indicate statistical significance (p < 0.05) based on Student’s t-test when ralf34-1 is compared to Col-0.