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. 2021 Jul 8;13(14):3420. doi: 10.3390/cancers13143420

Table 1.

The demographic, procedural and pathological data.

Variable n (%) or Mean (±SD)
Number of patients Total 30
Sex M/F 28 (93.3%)/2 (6.7%)
Age (years, range) 58.8 ± 7.6 (39–70)
Etiology Infectious HCV 20/30 (66.6%)
HBV 5/30 (16.7%)
Alcoholic 7/30 (23.3%)
Autoimmune 1/30 (3.3%)
Child-Pugh At diagnosis/At LT A 30 (100%)/30 (100%)
Mean time ablation-LT (months, range) 16.4 (1–73)
Number of HCC nodules 36
HCC nodule mean diameter
(mm, range)
20.9 mm ± 6.1 mm
(10–30 mm)
Single HCC nodule 26/30 (86.7%)
Multiple HCC nodules 4/30 (13.3%)
Mean number of ablated HCC nodules per patient 1.2
MW Ablation Procedure
Imaging guidance Ultrasound 33/36 (91.7%)
CT 3/36 (8.3%)
Gauge 14 19/36 (52.8%)
16 17/36 (47.2%)
Time (seconds, range) 120–600 s
Power (watt, range) 30–60 watt
Complications Perihepatic ascites 3/30 (10%)
Portal vein thrombosis 1/30 (3.3%)
One-Month Post Procedural Imaging Evaluation
Complete response 30/36 (83.3%)
Viable disease 6/36 (16.7%)
Pathological Data
Complete necrosis 28/36 (77.8%)
Partial necrosis 8/36 (22.2%)
Vascular invasion Macroscopic/microscopic 0/36 (0%)/5/36 (13.9%)
Lymph-node metastasis
at hepatic hilum