Cell viability of colon carcinoma cells treated with phytocompounds contained in MPE. Colon cancer cell lines were incubated in the presence of different doses of the main phytochemicals (GA: gallic acid; MG: methyl gallate; QA: quinic acid; PGG: pentagalloyl glucose; MNG: mangiferin; and CA: citric acid) contained in MPE for 48 h. Chemical structures of phytocompounds reported in the left panel were drawn using ChemDraw software. The percentage of viable cells was evaluated by MTT assay, as reported in the Materials and Methods section. In the figure, data are reported in a bar chart, and are the means of three independent experiments ± SD. Statistical significance was assessed using Student’s t-test: (*) p < 0.05, (**) p < 0.01, and (***) p < 0.001 versus untreated control.