Figure 1.
Heat map of the metabolic fingerprint generated with the 100 most abundant DLI-ESI MS ions of the samples analyzed 96 h after the induction of the transcription factor. At the top, a hierarchical grouping dendrogram made using Euclidean agglomeration and distances established by Ward’s method. The red box indicates the grouping of samples with probability >95%. The letters correspond to the following samples: A: p35S:ESR2-ER+No treatment; B: Col-0+No treatment; C: p35S:ESR2-ER+Ethanol; D: Col-0+Ethanol; E: p35S:ESR2-ER+ Ethanol+β-ESTRADIOL; F: Col-0+Ethanol+β-ESTRADIOL. The numbers correspond to the sample number (replicas). Color intensity represents relative accumulation. The greater the red hue, the greater the relative accumulation; the greater the blue hue, the less relative accumulation.