Figure 1.
Cell biological processes impacted by PD-related genes leading to lipid alteration. As described in the main text, different PD-causative or -risk genes (GBA, SMPD1, SYNJ1, and PLA2G6) directly control lipid metabolism in neuronal cells. PD-causative genes (LRRK2, PINK-1, and PARKIN) may indirectly control lipid metabolism, localization or signaling by controlling vesicle trafficking and/or lipid exchange between various organelles inside the cells. Finally, α-synuclein physiology is tightly related to lipid: α-synuclein controls lipid metabolism, α-synuclein localization and aggregation are strongly dependent on a specific membrane lipid composition, and, lastly, LBs are largely composed of α-synuclein tightly associated to lipids and membrane fragments. Aggregated α-synuclein is represented as green stars.