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. 2021 Jun 30;11(7):626. doi: 10.3390/jpm11070626

Table 3.

Linear regression model about factors associated with global burden progression after 2-year follow-up (change in the NMSS total score from V0 to V2).

β a β b 95% IC a 95% IC b p a p b
At V0 (baseline)
Age at baseline −0.036 N.A. −0.501–0.211 N.A. 0.423 N.A.
Gender −0.045 N.A. −9.419–3.024 N.A. 0.313 N.A.
Disease duration 0.092 0.118 0.019–1.499 0.261–1.591 0.044 0.006
Number of non-antipark. drugs −0.041 N.A. −1.862–0.683 N.A. 0.363 N.A.
LEDD 0.062 N.A. −0.002–0.012 N.A. 0.17 N.A.
Daily dose L-dopa (mg) 0.077 0.152 −0.001–0.019 N.A. 0.085 N.A.
Equivalent Daily dose of DA (mg) 0.08 N.A. −0.002–0.038 N.A. 0.075 N.A.
No-tremoric motor phenotype 0.062 0.094 −1.788–10.373 0.675–12.195 0.166 0.029
UPDRS-III 0.026 N.A. −0.217–0.387 N.A. 0.58 N.A.
UPDRS-IV 0.015 N.A. −1.047–1.473 N.A. 0.74 N.A.
FOGQ −0.023 N.A. −0.823–0.482 N.A. 0.608 N.A.
PD-CRS −0.03 N.A. −0.262–0.129 N.A. 0.504 N.A.
NMSS −0.317 −0.52 −0.369–0.215 −0.557–−0.370 <0.0001 <0.0001
BDI-II −0.174 N.A. −0.872 N.A. <0.0001 N.A.
PDSS 0.077 −0.186 −0.015–0.234 −0.397–−0.106 0.085 0.001
NPI −0.12 0.208 −0.912–0.107 0.441–1.353 0.013 <0.0001
QUIP-RS −0.005 N.A. −0.310–0.271 N.A. 0.896 N.A.
VAS-PAIN 0.032 N.A. −0.62–0.148 N.A. 0.032 N.A.
VASF-Physical −0.021 N.A. −1.181– -0.684 N.A. 0.601 N.A.
VASF-Mental −0.015 N.A. −1.206–0.832 N.A. 0.719 N.A.
Change at V2 (from V0 to V2)
Number of non-antipark. drugs 0.087 N.A. −0.040–3.925 N.A. 0.055 N.A.
LEDD 0.072 N.A. −0.002–0.017 N.A. 0.115 N.A.
Daily dose L-dopa (mg) 0.044 N.A. −0.007–0.019 N.A. 0.339 N.A.
Equivalent daily dose of DA (mg) 0.009 N.A. −0.013–0.016 N.A. 0.843 N.A.
UPDRS-III (OFF) 0.178 N.A. 0.296–0.938 N.A. <0.0001 N.A.
UPDRS-IV 0.086 N.A. −0.041–2.434 N.A. 0.058 N.A.
FOGQ 0.284 0.149 1.658–3.074 0.522–1.922 <0.0001 0.001
PD-CRS −0.026 N.A −0.339–0.186 N.A. 0.567 N.A.
BDI-II 0.334 N.A. 1.120–1.862 N.A. <0.0001 N.A.
PDSS −0.303 −0.339 −0.222 −0.543–−0.292 <0.0001 <0.0001
NPI 0.307 0.249 0.798–1.521 0.595–1.296 <0.0001 <0.0001
QUIP-RS 0.095 N.A. 0.038–0.612 N.A. 0.027 N.A.
VAS-PAIN 0.156 N.A. 0.761–2.302 N.A. <0.0001 N.A.
VASF-Physical 0.192 0.101 1.258–2.973 0.179–2.061 <0.0001 0.02
VASF-Mental 0.194 N.A. 1.282–3.010 N.A. <0.0001 N.A.
At V2
To be taking L-dopa 0.025 N.A. −7.129–12.723 N.A. 0.58 N.A.
To be taking a MAO-B inhibitor 0.03 N.A. −4.722–9.684 N.A. 0.499 N.A.
To be taking a COMT inhibitor 0.003 N.A. −6.564–6.987 N.A. 0.951 N.A.
To be receiving a DA 0.067 N.A. −1.651–12.057 N.A. 0.136 N.A.
To be taking an analgecic −0.074 N.A. −11.116–0.388 N.A. 0.068 N.A.
To be taking a benzodiazepin 0.025 N.A. −4.350–8.277 N.A. 0.542 N.A.
To be taking an antidepressive agent 0.051 N.A. −2.049–9.514 N.A. 0.205 N.A.
To be taking an antipsychotic agent 0.067 0.129 6.067–29.381 −3.084–22.227 0.138 0.003
To practice regular exercise 0.011 N.A. −6.668–8.440 N.A. 0.818 N.A.
Cognitive stimulation therapy −0.017 N.A. −7.935–5.396 N.A. 0.708 N.A.
Physiotherapy 0.016 N.A. −5.661–8.179 N.A. 0.721 N.A.
Speech therapy −0.008 N.A. −10.296–8.548 N.A. 0.885 N.A.

Dependent variable: change from V0 to V2 in the NMSS total score. β standardized coefficient and 95% IC are shown. a, univariate analysis; b, multivariate analysis (Durbin-Watson test = 1.865; R2 = 0.41). BDI-II, Beck Depression Inventory-II; COMT, catechol-o-methyl transferase; DA, dopamine agonist; FOG, freezing of gait; FOGQ, Freezing Of Gait Questionnaire; LEDD, levodopa equivalent daily dose (mg); MAO-B, monoamine oxidase type B; N.A., not applicable; NMS, non-motor symptoms; NMSS, Non-Motor Symptoms Scale; NPI, Neuropsychiatric Inventory; PD, Parkinson’s disease; PD-CRS, Parkinson’s Disease Cognitive Rating Scale; PDQ-39SI, 39-item Parkinson’s Disease Quality of Life Questionnaire Summary Index; PDSS, Parkinson’s Disease Sleep Scale; QoL, Quality of life; QUIP-RS, Questionnaire for Impulsive-Compulsive Disorders in Parkinson’s Disease-Rating Scale; UPDRS, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; VAFS, Visual Analog Fatigue Scale; VAS-Pain, Visual Analog Scale-Pain.