Linear structures of human and rat Gene 33. (A). Human Gene 33. Color-coded boxes represent different types of domains. CRIB: Cdc42/Rac interactive and binding domain, DEAD: DEAD box, PEST: PEST sequence, 14-3-3BD: 14-3-3 binding domain, SH3-BD: SH3 binding domain, EBD: EGFR or ErbB binding domain, SH2-BD: SH2 binding domain, AH: ACK homology domain, S1: segment 1, S2: segment 2, NLS: nuclear localization sequence, PDZ-BD: PDZ binding domain. The amino acid sequences of 14-3-3BD and segment 1 are shown with the key residues highlighted. Functionally significant phosphorylated residues and their kinases, key ubiquitination sites and their E3 ligase, as well as key domains and their known interactors are also listed. (B). Key features of the AH domain are shown. (C). Rat Gene 33 showing both the long and short splicing variants. The exact locations of domains are shown.