Bastid®-induced VOCs: VOCs analysed by SBSE-GC-MS were selected when significant (p < 0.05) and induced (FC > 1.5) at least twice in three separate experiments, compared to the water control. Coloured boxes, Bastid® / H2O induction ratios 1, 3, and 5 days post treatment (on D1, D3 and D5), with ■ fold change (FC) < 1.5 (not induced); ■ 1.5–102; ■ 102–103; ■ 103–104; ■ 104–105; ■ > 105, □ not detected. Fold changes and day discrimination significance were determined from the three replicated experiments and averaged (right columns). The frequencies of ratios FC > 1.5 were summed for each day post-treatment (D1, D3, and D5) from the three replicated experiments and represented as follows: none, never detected; ◯ = 1, detected in one experiment with FC > 1.5 on the corresponding day post treatment; ● = 2, detected in two experiments with FC > 1.5 on the corresponding day post treatment; ● = 3, detected in all three experiments with FC > 1.5 on the corresponding day post treatment. The CAS number (CAS #) of each VOC is indicated.