Table 1.
Findings: categories, sub-categories, codes and quotations *.
Categories | Sub-Categories | Codes | Quotations |
Self-perception of parenting | Meanings | Deficiency
“She is a special child, that is, more than having a disability she is different […] Takes more time, learns differently, at your own pace (M)” (I7—3). |
” In these children there are characteristics that are really common to all, but most of them are different and, even those that are present at the moment can change at times of life […] this is a real mystery (M)” (I8—2). | ||
Expectations | Apprehension of the future | “We know that he will not be able to live alone, he will always have to have support […] while we’re all right, the problem is when we’re not here anymore (M)” (I6—4). | |
Socioeconomic status | Economic difficulties | “The values of therapies in the private sector are very high and those co-funded by the state are insufficient […] which makes everything more difficult (M)” (I1—2). | |
Main significant moments across the process | Birth | Pregnancy/childbirth | “During pregnancy we live in expectation, but when they are born it seems that they exceed that expectation […] it’s a wonderful emotion (M)” (I3—1). |
Breast-feeding | “He really didn’t want to suck, it was a struggle from the beginning […] I came home and had to talk to SOS Breastfeeding ** because it was a mess, I didn’t know what to do (M)” (I5—2). | ||
Facing a different behavior | Communication/interaction failures | “My son did not speak, although he made some sounds (M)” (I5—3).“I came home from work and she stayed the same, our presence was indifferent to her […] she even changed divisions when we were present (F)” (I7—2). | |
Stereotypes | “He started to rotate objects, to stack them, to put them in a row, he didn’t play pretend (M)” (I8—2). | ||
Parents’ concern | “I was very worried because I realized that there was something […] I didn’t know what, but I felt, I knew he was not well (M)” (I1—3). | ||
Devaluation of opinions | “We talked about our suspicions, including thinking about autism, but they did not appreciate us […] we feel very alone (M)” (I7—2). | ||
Meeting with reality (diagnosis) | Shock | “It’s a bucket of cold water ”and we didn’t want to believe it […] we cried, […] we seem to have paralysed (M) ” (I8—4). | |
Relief | “For us it was a rest because our greatest anguish was not knowing what was happening […] it was the confirmation of our suspicions and from then on we already knew the way to go […] it was the beginning of the mourning of that perfect son who we imagine having (F)” (I6—5). | ||
Awareness in the face of health | Little response from professionals | “It is all very bureaucratic […] not at all facilitating with regard to support, information, what is there and how to access it (F) […] I felt the lack of someone (doctor or nurse at the health center) to guide me […] The State should activate the support and they should direct us and we should not be the ones to have to look for them […] they should organize themselves among themselves (M)” (I7—2). | |
Communication failures between services | “There is no coordination between the health services (doctor and family nurse with the hospitals and support services), there is no link in the monitoring […] this does not mean that the professionals are bad, the system does not work (M)” (I10—1). | ||
Scarce resources | “Consultations at the hospital to monitor [Polar Star] are annual, imagine only once a year, how is it possible? (M)” (I1—2). | ||
Awareness in the face of education | Little professional involvement | “Within the team itself there is no communication and teaching strategies […] there are educational guidelines in theory, but in practice it is a matter of luck […] the school does not try and invest in these children (M) […] The service does not is being done and resources are being spent (F)” (I6—3). | |
Child vulnerability recognition | “We heard about abuse, mistreatment […] many times [EstrelaPolar] comes home with bruises, which is normal for any child, but I’m always afraid because he doesn’t speak, he can’t tell what passed and I only have one adult version […] it’s distressing (M)” (I1—4). | ||
Scarce resources | “There are few special education teachers and therapists in schools to meet the needs of these children (F)” (I2—3). | ||
Living the process | Life changes | A new look at disability
“The essential thing was to understand what was happening with the [Swan] […] was to go through that phase of denial and progressively accept and integrate this aspect in my life and family life […] it was being able to make options, stop, think and decide what you wanted to do with your life (M) ” (I7—1). |
Adapting to a new way of life
“Our daughter’s situation made us change a lot […] it brought us a new way of looking at life, lighter, with other values (F) ” (I7—2).“I changed the chip and I was able to combine the aspect of caring with the pedagogical aspect […] I gathered all the material I had, learned how to work with these children and advanced […] I worked a lot with [Swan], I was a mother, teacher, nurse, but it was worth it and it’s still worth it (M) ” (I7—1).“A lot has changed […] our routines have changed, so many things we would like to do (M) […] today we are a watch and Swiss (laughs) […] we have to adapt to it (F) […] there are many things that are delayed (M)” (I4—2). | ||
Changes in the couple’s relationship
“The fact that we support each other and are together is very important in the relationship (F)” (I7—3). | ||
Changes in social life
“[Polar Star] has some manifestations of contentment that are recognized as antisocial […] the parents of the other children are looking at me as if I were a “denatured” mother […] it is very complicated to manage these situations […] everyone looks at us (embarrassment) (M)” (I1—2). | ||
Changes in professional life
“It was also the moment to decide to stop working because it was very difficult to reconcile work with the answers I had to give at home […] at that moment the priority was [Swan] and she needed me full time (M)” (I7—3). | ||
Process characteristics | Internal resources/mechanisms
“Nowadays I see life in a different way, I see that there is a lot to be lived [...] I rely on something that is fundamental to me, which is Love [...] the important thing is to have the strength to be able to provide happiness to my children, and we feel happy parents too (M)” (I4—2).“Strength comes in everyday life […] is a new way of being and seeing the world […] (M)” (I6—2).“The strength comes from inside (M)” (I8—1). | |
External resources/mechanisms
“I’m always saying that I never needed my mother as much as I do now, she always puts her hand on me when I need to (M)” (I3—1)“We stopped going out frequently, but we keep in touch with a couple who are friends for life […] We are more intimate and comfortable (M)” (I8—2)“Thank God we have had the Association with people who have been extremely important throughout this journey and have guided us in a spectacular way (M)” (I3—2). | ||
Outcomes of the process | Self knowledge | Self/personal competence | “We have learned so much from this whole situation (M) […] from what we have learned we have adopted our way of dealing with him and we think that this is the best approach to [Belatrix], which works best with him […] We were able to assess his learning and the relationship he has with us so we will continue along this line, although we are always open to experimenting with other approaches (F)” (I3—3). |
The experience | Coexistence | “The books talk about autism, but they do not teach how to deal with these children […] only through daily coexistence […] from the experience […] do we really understand and learn […] you need to be there and there is no one better that parents (M)” (I1—1). | |
Share | ”The existence of support groups is very important […] parents have so many things in common and do not always have the opportunity to relate to each other and exchange precious ideas […] not even our families perceive us as well as others parents living similar experiences (F)” (I2—1). | ||
Mastery of new skills | Satisfaction and confidence in the performance of the parental role | ”This effort on our part and the investment made has had rewards and today I look back and realize that we took the right option and the important thing that was for the development of [Swan] (M) […] all the moments of the journey were important, they were an apprenticeship and it is for them that we continue and struggle continuously […] we are confident and optimistic (F)” (I7—1). | |
Efficiency | ”Knowing how to anticipate some behaviors, knowing what we should do to make them more balanced, more calm is constant learning (M)” (I10—1). | ||
Redefining parental role | Personal growth | “I think I becme more human, calm, having more resilience despite all concerns […] I can manage better all situations I feel stonger (M)” (I1—1). | |
Improvement in achieving parental role | ”Nowadays I see life differently, I see that there is much more to be lived [...] it is very difficult to have a child with special needs, but nowadays I no longer dramatize, I see life in a simpler way […] the important thing is to have the strength to be able to give happiness to my children, and to feel happy parents (M)” (I4—2). |
* A Supplementary Table S1 is available with these same results in Portuguese. ** Helpline to support mothers in breastfeeding provided by nurses or midwives. Legend: M—Mother; F—Father. The code after quotations refers to the interviews and codes of the analysis.