H1a: Job autonomy is positively associated with well-being |
Fully supported |
Fully supported |
Fully supported |
Supported for depression–enthusiasm and mental well-being |
H1b: Social support is positively associated with well-being |
Supported for depression–enthusiasm and mental well-being |
Supported for mental well-being |
Fully supported |
Supported for mental well-being |
H1c: Hours worked are negatively associated with well-being. |
Not supported |
Not supported |
Not supported |
Not supported |
H1d Job demands are negatively associated with well-being |
Not supported |
Supported for anxiety–contentment |
Supported for anxiety–contentment |
Not supported |
H2a: Work-to-nonwork conflict is negatively related to well-being |
Fully supported |
Supported for anxiety-contentment |
Supported for anxiety-contentment and depression-enthusiasm |
Not supported |
H2b: Nonwork–to-work conflict is negatively related to well-being |
Fully supported |
Not supported |
Not supported |
Not supported |
H2c: Detachment from work is positively related to well-being |
Fully supported |
Fully supported |
Fully supported |
Supported for anxiety–contentment and mental well-being |
H3a: Divergence from normal working is negatively related to well-being |
Supported for mental well-being |
Not supported |
Supported for anxiety–contentment |
Not supported |
H3b: Loneliness is negatively related to well-being |
Fully supported |
Fully supported |
Fully supported |
Fully supported |
H4a: Care responsibilities that constraint homeworking are negatively related to well-being |
Supported for anxiety-contentment and depression-enthusiasm |
Not supported |
Not supported |
Not supported |
H4b: ICT constraints on homeworking are negatively related to well-being. |
Not supported |
Supported for anxiety–contentment |
Not supported |
Not supported |
H4c: Information constraints is negatively related to well-being |
Supported for depression-enthusiasm |
Not supported |
Not supported |
Not supported |
H5a: Increases in COVID-19 deaths are negatively related to well-being |
Supported for anxiety–contentment and depression–enthusiasm |
Not applicable |
Not supported |
Not applicable |
H5b Age moderates the negative relationship between increases in COVID-19 deaths and well-being such that it the relationship is stronger for older employees than younger employees |
Supported for anxiety–contentment and mental well-being |
Not applicable |
Not supported |
Not applicable |
H5c: Job insecurity is negatively related to well-being |
Supported for anxiety–contentment and depression–enthusiasm |
Fully supported |
Supported for depression-enthusiasm and mental well-being |
Supported for anxiety-contentment |