Fig. 3.
Interference with BMP signaling induces homeotic transformations in dorsal and anal fins. (A–C) Fin morphology of dorsal (A and B) and anal fins (C) in WT (A–C), gremlin1b−/− (A and C), and DMH1-treated (B) fish at approximately 1 mo postfertilization. Bony structures were visualized using Alizarin red (“AZR”), and fins were imaged using fluorescence microscopy. Insets shown (dashed boxes) were taken using brightfield microscopy (“BF”). In A and B, transversal sections at the level of the spine to soft-ray boundary are shown, which in A was imaged using fluorescence microscopy (Alizarin red fluorescence in white) and in B using fluorescence microscopy (Alizarin red fluorescence in false color red) and differential interference contrast microscopy (“DIC”) (in white). The dorsal fins of gremlin1b−/− fish in A show an expanded spine domain (indicated by red line) and reduced soft-ray domain (indicated by blue line) indicating soft-ray to spine homeotic transformations. Alizarin red staining visualizes the heavier ossification of spines as compared to soft rays. Insets show spine (red arrowhead spine tip) and soft-ray (blue arrowhead segment boundary) characters, at the spine to soft-ray transition. Transversal sections through the spine to soft-ray boundary confirm the presence of fused and unfused hemisegments in spines and soft rays, respectively (section position is indicated with circles and numbers). The DMH1-treated fish shown in B show the opposite transformation displaying spine to soft-ray transformations. The Inset shows segments in the most anterior soft ray (blue arrowhead). Transversal sections confirm the presence of unfused soft-ray–like elements in the anterior fin. C shows a comparison of gremlin1b−/− and WT anal fins showing soft-ray to spine transformations. Insets indicate spine and soft-ray characters at the spine to soft-ray boundary. A quantitative analysis of spine and soft-ray counts is provided in SI Appendix, Fig. S5A. (D) Egg spots are present on the soft-ray part of the anal fins of male A. burtoni. In gremlin1b−/−, the egg spots have shifted posterior together with the soft-ray domain. A quantitative analysis of egg spots distribution is provided in SI Appendix, Fig. S5B. AZR: Alizarin red, BF: brightfield, S: spine, SR: soft ray. Anterior is to the left.