Murine GRP haplotype evaluation: (A) (in left panels) presents H2K-k and H2K-q typing results of the murine GRPs. (A) (in the right) presents the evaluation of the haplotype of DBA/1 mice (H2K-q), BALB/c (H2K-d), and C57BL/6 (H2K-b), as well as tested murine GRP cells, which gave positive results for both H2K-q and H2K-k haplotype. (B) (below) presents PCR results using only H2K-b specific primers to rule out the possibility of H2K-b expression, which is characterized with similar to H2K-k weight in the gel. Abbreviations: GRP-glial-restricted progenitor cell; PCR-polymerase chain reaction.