Figure A4.
In vivo expression of mRNA. Synthetic mRNA coding firefly luciferase was formulated in the liposome as described in Materials and Methods. A mouse “Liposome” was injected intravenously with 10 µg of this formulated Luciferase-coding mRNA. Three hours after mRNA injection, in vivo bioluminescence imaging was performed on an IVIS Lumina instrument (PerkinElmer). Before each measurement, d-luciferin (Synchem) dissolved in PBS (15 mg/mL stock) and sterile filtered was injected (150 μg/g intraperitoneally) in both “Liposome” and untreated mice. Emitted photons from live animals were quantified 10 min post luciferin injections, with an exposure time of 3 min. The data show that the liposomal formulation used in this study efficiently delivers synthetic mRNA to the spleen.