Table 6.
Abbreviations and Acronyms.
Acronyms | Definition |
VANET | Vehicular Ad hoc Network |
Secure Performance Enriched Channel Allocation | |
Secure Non-Cooperative Cognitive Division Multiple Access | |
Time Division Multiple Access | |
Frequency Division Multiple Access | |
Rivest–Shamir–Adleman | |
Cognitive Radio | |
V2V | Vehicle to Vehicle |
Vehicle to Infrastructure | |
Vehicle to Everything | |
On Board Unit | |
Road-Side Unit | |
DSRC | dedicated short range communication |
MAC | Medium Access Control |
Mobile Ad hoc Network | |
Federal Communications Commission | |
Intelligent Transportation Systems | |
Radio-frequency identification | |
Wireless Access in Vehicular Environment | |
Global Positioning System | |
LTE | Long-Term Evolution |
V2N | Vehicle-to-Network |
PLS | Physical Layer Security |
Internet of Vehicles | |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List |
RIS | reconfigurable intelligent surface |
Internet of things | |
SVC | Secure VANET Communication |
Non-Shared Channel Allocation | |
Elliptical Curve Cryptography | |
Commutative RSA | |
CHR | City, Highway, and Rural |
MS-Aloha | Mobile Slotted Aloha |
VISSIM | Verkehr In Stadten Simulationsmodell |
Earliest Deadline First based Carrier Sense Multiple Access |