Efficiency of mAbs and Ig-adhesins in targeting immunotoxin killing. Cytotoxicity was examined on different cell types: control HEK-293T cells not expressing Env, HEK-293 cells transfected to constitutively express 92UG Env (designated 92UG), and persistently infected H9/NL4-3. Cells were incubated with the indicated mAb or Ig-adhesin (200 ng/mL), and a secondary immunotoxin, ricin A chain-conjugated goat anti-human IgG (300 ng/mL). MTS dye reduction was measured at 72 h and results are shown as A490, mean, and SEM. Less absorbance indicates more effective killing. The vertical grey line represents MTS dye reduction in the absence of a primary antibody. Results are representative of >5 individual experiments.