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. 2021 Jun 22;9(7):684. doi: 10.3390/vaccines9070684

Table 4.

Invariance evaluation across age, gender, and living place through multigroup structural equation modeling.

Model and Comparisons Fit Statistics
χ2 (df) ∆χ2 (∆df) CFI ∆CFI TLI ∆TLI RMSEA
Gender (male vs. female)
M1: Unconstrained 5257.24 (460) * - 0.971 - 0.965 - 0.031
M2: Measurement weights 5305.79 (478) * 45.552(18) * 0.971 0 0.967 0.002 0.031
M3: Measurement intercepts 5889.68 (502) * 632.44(42) * 0.968 −0.002 0.964 −0.001 0.031
M4: Structural weights 5909.02 (512) * 651.78(52) * 0.968 −0.002 0.965 0.00 0.031
M5: Structural Covariances 5914.90 (513) * 657.66(53) * 0.968 −0.002 0.965 0.00 0.031
M6: Structural Residuals 6009.70 (521) * 752.46(61) * 0.967 −0.003 0.965 0.00 0.031
M7: Measurement Residuals 6726.63 (554) * 1469.39(94) * 0.963 −0.008 0.963 0.002 0.032
Age (above 35 years vs. below 35 years)
M1: Unconstrained 5307.66 (460) * - 0.971 - 0.965 - 0.031
M2: Measurement weights 5365.10 (478) * 57.44(18) * 0.971 0 0.966 0.001 0.031
M3: Measurement intercepts 5606.77 (502) * 299.11(42) * 0.969 −0.002 0.966 0.001 0.031
M4: Structural weight 5610.44 (512) * 302.78(52) 0.970 −0.001 0.967 0.002 0.030
M5: Structural Covariances 5610.57 (513) * 302.91(53) * 0.970 −0.001 0.967 0.002 0.030
M6: Structural Residuals 5706.17 (521) * 398.51(61) * 0.969 −0.001 0.967 0.002 0.030
M7: Measurement Residuals 6263.78 (554) * 956.12(94) * 0.966 −0.005 0.966 0.001 0.031
Living (city vs. rural)
M1: Unconstrained 5214.69 (460) * - 0.972 - 0.966 - 0.031
M2: Measurement weights 5259.74 (478) * 45.05 (18) * 0.971 −0.001 0.967 0.001 0.030
M3: Measurement intercepts 5419.85 (502) * 205.16(42) * 0.971 −0.001 0.968 0.002 0.030
M4: Structural weights 5450.73 (512) * 236.03(52) * 0.970 −0.002 0.968 0.002 0.030
M5: Structural Covariances 5450.74 (513) * 236.05(53) * 0.970 −0.002 0.968 0.002 0.030
M6: Structural Residuals 5508.89 (521) * 294.20(61) * 0.970 −0.002 0.968 0.002 0.030
M7: Measurement Residuals 5692.11 (554) * 477.42(94) * 0.969 −0.003 0.969 0.003 0.029

* p < 0.05. CFI = comparative fit index; TLI = Tucker-Lewis index; RMSEA = root mean square error of approximation.