Figure 1.
Tentacular structures isolated from sea anemone species: (a,b) inner tentacles (green) and outer tentacles (blue) from D. cf. armata; (c,d) endocoelic tentacles (dark blue) and nematospheres (red) from C. adhaesivum; (e,f) endocoelic tentacles (dark blue), exocoelic tentacles (yellow) and nematospheres (red) from H. hemprichii; (g,h) tentacles (pink) and pseudotentacles with attached vesicles (orange) from P. semoni. Abbreviations: c = body column; p = actinopharynx; I = inner tentacles; o = outer tentacles; n = nematospheres; x = exocoelic tentacles; e = endocoelic tentacles; v = vesicles on pseudotentacles; t = true tentacles. Photo credit: Gary Cranitch (a) and Lauren Ashwood (c,e,g).