Fig. 2. Percent weight changes.
A Total population*, B week 52 completers†; C week 16 responders‡. §Statistically significant difference, NB vs. PL at week 52. *All subjects taking a DPP-4i or GLP-1RA at baseline. †Subjects from the total population who remained on study treatment through to week 52. ‡Subjects from the total population who had a weight loss of ≥5% from baseline at week 16. The number of subjects in the model is lower than at baseline since not all subjects have post-baseline data. Note that the attrition from week 16 to week 26 in the total population includes those patients who did not achieve 2% weight loss at week 16 (discontinued from study medication as per LIGHT study protocol and not included in this analysis). Numbers discontinuing at week 16 in the total population (A): NB + DPP-4i, n = 66; NB + GLP-1RA, n = 53; PL + DPP-4i, n = 155; PL + GLP-1RA, n = 173.