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. 2021 Jul 12;12:668724. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.668724


Preliminary empirically derived domain and component scales of the ICD-11 personality disorder model.

Domain Component (# items) Sample content
Self Dysfunction (30) Identity Problems (8) Puzzled by own behavior
Low Self-accuracy (7) Often misjudge own abilities
Low Self-worth (8) Difficulty maintaining positive self-image
Low Self-direction (7) Life lacks direction, goals
Interpersonal Dysfunction (35) Relationship Difficulties (21) Difficulty understanding others’ viewpoints
Difficulty managing relationship conflict
Difficulty developing/maintaining relationships
Dysfunctional Engagement (14) Little to no interest in developing relationships
Will do anything to keep relationships from ending
Think friends take too much time/effort
Negative Affectivity (30) Emotional Lability (8) Unpredictable emotions and moods; constant worry
Negative Outlook (15) View own life as a failure; expect the worst
Mistrust (7) Distrustful of others
Detachment (42) Social Detachment (21) Avoid social interactions; don’t enjoy social events
Emotionally distant; keep to self even around others
Have no close relationships
Emotional Detachment (21) Little reaction to positive or negative events
Don’t get emotional; keep feelings to self
Low or no interest in much of anything
Dissociality (46) Low Empathy (30) Deceive people to get what they wants
No sympathy for others’ suffering
Bully others; get violent easily
Not bothered when hurt others or their feelings
Dissociality Entitled Superiority (Self-centeredness) (16) Expect special treatment; believe they deserve whatever is wanted
Believe own needs more important than others’
Believe oneself superior to others and that have done and/or will do great things
Act to get attention; expect to be noticed, admired
Disinhibition (32) Distractibility (19) Easily distracted; struggle to stay on task
Fail to complete tasks; don’t finish on time
Like to keep options open; goals provide direction (R)
Impulsive Recklessness (13) Want desired things right away
Don’t consider consequences; blurt things out
Enjoy risky activities; don’t turn down chances for fun
Anankastia (31) Hypercontrol (19) Avoid activities if outcome uncertain; hypercautious
Weigh all possibilities before decision-making
Refuse to change routine; others notice inflexibility
Perfectionism (12) Must meet all standards of perfection, especially own
Work must be perfect in all details; expect same high standards of everyone
Home must be perfectly neat, with everything in its proper place

ICD-11, International Classification of Diseases, 11th Ed. (World Health Organization, 2020).