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. 2021 Jul 23;14(7):e242093. doi: 10.1136/bcr-2021-242093

Table 2.

Reported cases of Gemella endocarditis

Authors reported Age/gender Risk factors for endocarditis Presentation Comorbidities Valves involved Antimicrobial therapy Valve replacement Survival outcome
Bell and McCartney,199222 19/M IVDU—heroin, buprenorphine; saliva inoculation of venipuncture sites 2 weeks of malaise, nights sweats, intermittent fever Hepatitis B infection Tricuspid valve Flucloxacillin, benzylpenicillin and gentamicin No Alive
Kerr et al, 199423 29/F HOCM, recent wisdom teeth extraction Persistent lethargy, flu-like symptoms, night sweats, dry cough Not reported Non-valvular Benzylpenicillin and gentamicin; became sensitised to penicillin and switched to oral erythromycin and oral rifampicin No Alive
Terada et al, 199424 64/M Dental caries Low-grade fever, nocturnal dyspnoea Not reported Mitral and aortic valve Penicillin Yes, aortic and mitral valve replacement Alive
Martin, Wright and Jones, 199525 75/M Childhood rheumatic fever Weight loss, lethargy Not reported Mitral valve Benzylpenicillin and gentamicin; developed rash and switched to rifampin and erythromycin No Alive
Lopez-Dupla et al21 73/F Colonic adenomatous polyps in rectum; adenocarcinoma in situ in transverse colon 3 months of anorexia, asthenia, malaise, fever, weight loss Not reported Mitral and aortic valve Benzylpenicillin and gentamicin Yes, aortic and mitral valve replacement Deceased during surgery
Vasishtha and Sood, 199626 2/F Single ventricle, transposition of the great arteries, pulmonic stenosis who underwent Fontan procedure Fever and respiratory failure after Fontan surgery; developing septic shock Down syndrome Non-valvular Vancomycin, ceftazidime, amikacin No Deceased. multisystem organ failure
Nandakumar and Raju, 199727 71/M Chronic gingivitis and extensive dental caries; villous adenoma with severe atypia Pulmonary infiltrates, acute onset fever, left lower lobe infiltrate, pleural effusion, weight loss, anaemia, renal insufficiency ETOH liver disease Tricuspid valve Penicillin No Alive
Farmaki et al, 200028 9/F Dental caries and periodontal disease with multiple recent dental procedures 6 weeks of intermittent fever Not reported Mitral valve Penicillin and gentamicin No Alive
Purcell et al, 200129 12/F Congenital heart disease (mitral stenosis, VSD, PDA) repaired at 6 months Cough, fatigue, dec appetite; no fever Not reported Mitral valve Vancomycin then transitioned to gentamicin and penicillin No Alive
Akiyama et al, 200130 55/M Aortic regurgitation; prior endocarditis; previous aortic valve replacement; dental caries Persistent fever, nocturnal dyspnoea DM2, hepatitis B infection Aortic valve Cefotiam then transitioned to tobramycin, cefmetazole, fosfomycin Yes, aortic valve replacement Alive
Woo et al13 66/M Not reported 1 month of abdominal and low back pain Abdominal aortic aneurysm Mitral and aortic valve Penicillin, netilmicin No Alive
Zakir et al, 200431 44/M IVDU, prosthetic heart valve, recent mitral valve replacement Pleuritic chest pain, dyspnoea, fever, chills HIV Bioprosthetic mitral valve and aortic valve Ceftriaxone and gentamicin Met criteria, but deferred due to active IVDU Alive
Gimigliano et al, 200532 10/F Transposition of the great arteries, an interventricular septal defect and aortic coarctation Nocturnal fevers Not reported Mitral and aortic valve Vancomycin and gentamicin No Alive
Kofteridis et al5 46/M Recent dental procedure, poor ulcerative gingivitis Fever, headache, vomiting, progressive confusion Aneurysmal dilation of the ascending aorta with moderate aortic regurgitation Aortic valve Penicillin and gentamicin then transitioned to vancomycin Yes, aortic valve replacement Alive
Kofteridis et al5 53/M Previous infective endocarditis Persistent fever, sweats, myalgias Not reported Mitral valve Penicillin and gentamicin then transitioned to vancomycin No Alive
Murai et al, 200633 53/M Dental caries 1 week of high fevers Not reported Aortic valve Cefotiam then transitioned to ampicillin and gentamicin Yes, aortic valve replacement Alive
Al-Hujailan et al, 200734 37/M Bicuspid aortic valve with prior prosthetic valve replacement 10 days of sweats and chills Not reported Aortic valve Vancomycin, gentamicin, rifampicin; vancomycin later switched to penicillin No Alive
Zheng et al, 200835 67/M Aortic regurgitation, aortic syphilis; poor dentition 3 days of chills and rigours HTN, ESRD on haemodialysis Mitral and aortic valve Ampicillin and gentamicin Deceased prior to surgery Deceased, multisystem organ failure
Chekakie et al., 200936 44/M Bicuspid aortic valve with prior prosthetic valve replacement Dyspnoea and decreased urine output Cardiomyopathy with EF 15% with defibrillator placement Aortic valve Vancomycin, gentamicin, rifampin and switched to ampicillin and gentamicin then later switched to imipenem and metronidazole to treat E. coli bacteraemia and clostridium difficile Yes, aortic valve replacement Deceased, multisystem organ failure and LVAD related bleeding
Taimur et al, 201037 31/F Bicuspid aortic valve, aortic regurgitation, repair of large aortic arch aneurysm 1 month of fever, exertional dyspnoea, myalgias, oedema, anorexia Not reported Mitral and aortic valve Amikacin, ceftriaxone, vancomycin then transitioned to ceftriaxone and gentamicin No Alive
Massoure et al, 201038 22/M Dental caries and periodontitis Fever and dyspnoea Tobacco use, khat chewer Aortic valve Amoxicillin and gentamicin Deceased prior to surgery Deceased, multisystem organ failure
Carano et al, 201039 18/F Oral piercing on lower lip Heart failure and recurrent fever Not reported Mitral valve Penicillin Yes, mitral valve replacement Alive
Hull, 201040 87/M Mitral regurgitation with ruptured chordae 5 days of confusion, cough, nausea, diarrhoea; 20 lbs weigh loss over 2 months Atrial fibrillation Mitral valve ‘Broad spectrum antibiotics’ Considered, but deemed a poor candidate Alive
Godinho et al, 201341 72/M Aortic valve disease, recent endoscopies Fever, abdominal pain, decompensated heart failure Iron deficiency anaemia, hypertension Aortic, mitral and tricuspid valve Vancomycin and gentamicin Yes, aortic and mitral valve replacement; tricuspid valve annuloplasty Alive
Ural et al18 67/M Recent EGD, colonoscopy Anaemia, fever, fatigue, failure to thrive Not reported Aortic valve Ampicillin-sulbactam and gentamicin then transitioned to vancomycin and meropenem Yes, aortic valve replacement Alive
Agrawal et al, 201442 ‘Middle-aged man’ Atrial septal defect Exertional fatigue and dyspnoea Not reported Pulmonary valve Not reported Yes, pulmonary bioprosthetic valve and patch closure of ASD Alive
Kolhari et al, 201443 34/M Recent dental extraction 2 weeks of low-grade fever, lower extremity oedema, dyspnoea on exertion Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy Mitral valve Penicillin and levofloxacin Yes, mitral valve replacement Alive
Shahani, 201444 73/M Aortic valve replacement, dental caries 5 days of fever and lower extremity oedema Coronary artery disease, CABG, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia Aortic valve Penicillin and gentamicin Yes, aortic valve replacement Alive
Constantinos and Marios, 201545 80/F Prior aortic valve replacement 2 weeks of fever and chest pain Hypertension, diabetes Tricuspid valve Ceftriaxone and gentamicin No Alive
Rosa et al15 72/M Prior CABG Dyspnoea, dry cough, fever, anorexia, >10% 
weight loss over past 30 days
Hypertension, diabetes, peripheral arterial disease Mitral valve Ceftriaxone, gentamicin then transitioned to penicillin and gentamicin Yes, mitral valve replacement Deceased, during surgery
Shinha, 201746 37/M IVDU 1 month of fever, chills, fatigue Not reported Aortic valve Not reported Not reported Not reported
Li et al, 20177 28/M Congenital VSD, ASD and double chambered right ventricle 3 months of fever, chills, dyspnoea, decreasing exertional capacity, weight loss Previous admission for bilateral pneumonia Pulmonary valve Ceftriaxone and then later added vancomycin Yes, pulmonary and aortic valve replacement; closure of VSD and ASD, reconstruction of RVOT, excision of vegetations Alive
Kumar et al, 201747 12/F None Fevers, chills, weight loss, palpitations, night sweats None Mitral valve Vancomycin, gentamicin, penicillin Offered mitral valve replacement, but family refused Alive

ASD, Atrial Septal Defect; CABG, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft; DM2, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus; EF, Ejection Fraction; EGD, Esophagogastroduodenoscopy; ESRD, End-Stage Renal Disease; ETOH, Alcohol; HOCM, Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy; HTN, Hypertension; IVDU, Intravenous Drug Use; LVAD, Left Ventricular Assist Device; PDA, Patent Ductus Arteriosus; VSD, Ventricular Septal Defect.