Fig. 2.
LocusZoom of regions of Interest. Panels a, b and c are association results from the primary dentition GWAS, panels d and e are from the permanent dentition GWAS. a suggestive locus near DLX3 and DLX4 genes on chromosome 17. b suggestive locus near TLN1 and CA9 on chromosome 9. c suggestive locus near NFX1 gene on chromosome 9. d suggestive locus near REL gene on chromosome 2. e suggestive locus near Taste receptor genes (TAS2R38, TAS2R3, TAS2R4, TASR25) on chromosome 7. The genome build used for the recombination rate was based on 1000 Genomes November 2014 EUR data. All of the gene positions and directions of transcription are annotated on the plots