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. 2021 Jul 21;14:3687–3698. doi: 10.2147/IJGM.S316344

Table 2.

Computed Tomography Characteristics of Lung Adenocarcinoma with Type I–VIII Features

Classification CT Characteristics Number (%) Location Number (%)
I (n = 526) Irregular margins 510/526 (96.96) RUL 157/526 (29.85)
Air bronchogram 56/526 (10.65) RML 37/526 (7.03)
Air space 81/526 (15.40) RLL 99/526 (18.82)
Necrosis* 78/403 (19.35) LUL 148/526 (28.14)
Vascular convergence sign 142/526 (27.00) LLL 80/526 (15.21)
Pleural retraction 306/526 (58.17) RMLs 2/526 (0.38)
Pleural attachment 255/526 (48.48) LMLs 3/526 (0.57)
II (n = 220) Irregular margins** 184/186 (98.92) RUL 54/220 (24.55)
Bronchial stenosis or occlusion 211/220 (95.91) RML 19/220 (8.64)
Bronchial obstructive changes 161/220 (73.18) RLL 33/220 (15.00)
Obstructive emphysema 12/161 (7.45) LUL 53/220 (24.09)
Obstructive pneumonia 102/161 (63.35) LLL 31/220 (14.09)
Obstructive atelectasis 87/161 (54.04) RMLs 21/220 (9.55)
Obstructive bronchiectasis 20/161 (12.42) LMLs 9/220 (4.09)
III (n = 92) Irregular margins 82/92 (89.13) RUL 31/92 (33.70)
Air bronchogram 26/92 (28.26) RML 3/92 (3.26)
Air space 32/92 (34.78) RLL 13/92 (14.13)
Vascular convergence sign 28/92 (30.43) LUL 33/92 (35.87)
Pleural retraction 52/92 (56.52) LLL 12/92 (13.04)
Pleural attachment 17/92 (18.48)
IV (n = 32) Air bronchogram 29/32 (90.63) RUL 11/32 (34.38)
Bronchial leafless tree sign 22/32 (68.75) RML 2/32 (6.25)
Air space 12/32 (37.50) RLL 7/32 (21.88)
GGO within or around the consolidation 25/32 (78.13) LUL 8/32 (25.00)
Pleural retraction 28/32 (87.50) LLL 4/32 (12.50)
Pleural attachment 9/32 (28.13)
V (n = 14) Irregular margins 12/14 (85.71) RUL 3/14 (21.43)
Nonuniform cyst wall 13/14 (92.86) RML 1/14 (7.14)
Septation in cyst 12/14 (85.71) RLL 2/14 (14.29)
Wall nodule 9/14 (64.29) LUL 5/14 (35.71)
GGO around the cyst 10/14 (71.43) LLL 3/14 (21.43)
Pleural retraction 6/14 (42.86)
Pleural attachment 4/14 (28.57)
VI (n = 85) All lesions presenting as I and/or II (solid) 17/85 (20.00) Single lobe 10/85 (11.76)
All lesions presenting as III (subsolid) 21/85 (24.71) RMLs 12/85 (14.12)
I or II + III (solid + subsolid) 31/85 (36.47) LMLs 5/85 (5.88)
I and/or III + IV and/or V (mixed) 16/85 (18.82) BMLs 58/85 (68.24)
VII (n = 53) Bronchial leafless tree sign 39/53 (73.58) Single lobe 9/53 (16.98)
Air space 27/53 (50.94) RMLs 9/53 (16.98)
Bulging of the interlobar fissure 28/53 (52.38) LMLs 1/53 (1.89)
CT angiogram sign*** 16/42 (38.10) BMLs 34/53 (64.15)
Multiple nodules 36/53 (67.92)
GGO 49/53 (92.45)
Lymphadenopathy 41/53 (77.36)
VIII (n = 53) Atelectasis with heterogeneous enhancement 48/53 (90.57) Unilateral PE 41/53 (77.36)
Absence of pleural thickening 17/53 (32.08)  Right 14/41 (34.15)
Localized irregular pleural thickening 4/53 (7.55)  Left 27/41 (65.85)
Extensive irregular pleural thickening 21/53 (39.62) Bilateral PE 12/53 (22.64)
Extensive linear pleural thickening 11/53 (20.75)  Right-predominant 5/12 (41.67)
Lymphadenopathy 28/53 (52.83)  Left-predominant 7/12 (58.33)

Notes: Data are presented as number/total (%). *Necrosis was not assessed in 123 patients who did not undergo contrast-enhanced scanning. **Margins were not assessed in 34 patients because of ill-defined border. ***CT angiogram sign was not assessed in 11 patients who did not undergo contrast-enhanced scanning.

Abbreviations: CT, computed tomography; GGO, ground-glass opacity; RUL, right upper lobe; RML, right middle lobe; RLL, right lower lobe; LUL, left upper lobe; LLL, left lower lobe; RMLs, right multiple lobes; LMLs, left multiple lobes; BMLs, bilateral multiple lobes; PE, pleural effusion.