Figure 4. Rosiglitazone increases expression of PPARγ and GCM1 while simultaneously decreasing sFLT1 in sPE placenta.
PPARγ protein expression significantly increased in sPE placenta after Rosiglitazone treatment (p=0.0051, n=4) (A/B). GCM1 mRNA significantly increased in the sPE placenta by Rosiglitazone treatment (p=0.0162, n=9). GCM1 mRNA expression significantly reduced in the sPE placenta after treatment with T0070907 (p=0.001, n=9) (C). sFLT1 mRNA was significantly reduced in the sPE placenta after Rosiglitazone treatment. No significant change in sFLT1 mRNA expression was observed after exposure to T0070907 (B).
(Relative mRNA/protein expressions were determined by normalization to respective housekeeping genes/protein. Relative expression values for individual tissue sets were normalized to DMSO (vehicle control, dotted line, set equal to 1) and subsequent statistical analysis was performed by student’s t-test to determine significant differences between groups, *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ns=p>0.05, NT= not treated, Rosi=Rosiglitazone, T007=T0070907, bar plots are reported as mean ± SEM).