To illustrate how fully Bayesian information criteria are affected by the parameters of a Gaussian prior placed on the excitability parameter, Delta scores for WAIC and LOO are computed as a function of the mean and the standard deviation of prior. Panels (A) and (B) show the computed ΔWAIC and ΔLOO, respectively, when the prior placed on excitability parameter is a Gaussian distribution , in which excitability value (denoted by μ) varies from -4.5 to 1.5, whereas the uncertainty about the estimation (denoted by σ) ranges from 0.01 to 1000. It can be seen that WAIC closely approximates LOO cross-validation. The figure plots the averages over 4 HMC chains. The dashed white line indicates the true value of excitability parameter used in the simulation. A larger value of WAIC/LOO indicates that the parameter is less plausible.