Mature oocytes were isolated from
gnuwt-mkate2;gnuwt-gfp or
gnuwt-mkate2;pdi-gfp females, fixed, and the vitelline membrane removed manually. Oocytes were stained and imaged as in
Figure 4. (
A) Representative image of
gnuwt-mkate2;gnuwt-gfp oocytes. Co-localizing GNU-mKATE2 (magenta) and GNU-GFP (green) granules are colored in white. (
A’) Venn diagram of quantified co-localization between GNU-mKATE2 and GNU-GFP granules. GNU-mKATE2 and GNU-GFP co-localize in 69.9±4.1% of all granules quantified. (
B) Representative image of
gnuwt-mkate2;pdi-gfp oocyte. Co-localizing GNU-mKATE2 (magenta) and ER (based on the ER-resident protein PDI-GFP in green) are colored in white. (
B’) Venn diagram of quantified co-localization between GNU and ER. GNU and the ER marker (PDI-GFP) co-localize in 6.9±3.2% of all granules quantified. In (
A) and (
B), the images shown are maximum intensity projections of a z-series from one oocyte. Scale bar represents 20 μm. In (
A’) and (
B’), values are averaged across eight oocytes.