Structural and transcriptional analyses of RNA interference-treated Haemonchus contortus. (A) Transmission electron microscopy of Bt-Cry1AC RNAi-treated (a) and nas-33 RNAi-treated (b) worms. Scale bar: 0.5 μm. L1C: L1 cuticle; L2C: L2 cuticle. (B) Gene knockdown analysis of iso-1 (positive control) and nas-33 in RNAi-treated worms, with reference to the transcriptions of these genes in the untreated worms. (C) Cuticle thickness (measured by ImageJ) of the second larval stage of H. contortus after RNAi. SC, surface coat; EP, epicuticle; CZ-CO, collagen rich layer of cortical zone; CZ-CU, cuticlin rich layer of cortical zone. (D) Relative transcriptional changes of molting related genes in RNAi-treated worms, compared with that in untreated worms. CSr genes, cuticle synthesis related genes (col-12, col-14, dpy-3, dpy-15); ECr genes, ecdysis related genes (nekl-2, mlt-3, lev-11); JRr genes, junction remodeling related genes (mua-3, let-805). Student’s t-test is used for the statistical analysis between treated and untreated worms. *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ns, no significance. Dotted line represents the transcriptional level in negative control worms.