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. 2021 Aug 1;76(Suppl 2):ii79–ii85. doi: 10.1093/jac/dkab180

Table 1.

Estimates for model fit and parameters: posterior means (standard errors)

Parameters Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
DIC(pD) 5105.98 4877.68 4759.9
DIC(pV) 5119.56 4958.78 4864.17
β0 17.784 (1.258) 17.392 (1.286) 18.046 (1.410)
β1 0.001 (0.010) 0.014 (0.026) −0.017 (0.022)
β2 −0.009 (0.041) 0.054 (0.039)
β3 −0.051 (0.050)
C1 44.529 (1.278) 29.028 (1.186)
C2 48.839 (4.168)
β0S 3.790 (0.345) 3.803 (0.351) 3.808 (0.342)
β1S −0.012 (0.003) −0.012 (0.002) −0.012 (0.002)
δ 0.397 (0.017) 0.397 (0.016) 0.399 (0.015)
σb02 42.970 (14.345) 41.289 (15.914) 40.711 (15.455)
σb12 0.002 (0.001) 0.015 (0.007) 0.007 (0.004)
σb22 0.035 (0.017) 0.029 (0.014)
σb32 0.042 (0.025)
σb0S2 2.543 (0.856) 2.556 (0.847) 2.572 (0.847)
σε2 2.146 (0.084) 1.794 (0.072) 1.646 (0.067)

DIC(pD): Deviance Information Criterion calculated using a penalty term for model complexity (pD); DIC(pV): Deviance Information Criterion calculated using an estimate for the effective number of parameters in the model (pV); β0, general intercept; β1, general change in antibiotic consumption over time; β2, general difference in the linear trend after versus before the first change-point; β3, general difference in the linear trend after versus before the second change-point; C1, location of the first change-point; C2, location of the second change-point; β0S, general amplitude; β1S, general change in amplitude over time; δ, phase shift of the sine wave; σb02, random intercept variance; σb12, random slope variance; σb22, random difference (after versus before the first change-point) variance; σb32, random difference (after versus before the second change-point) variance; σb0S2, random amplitude change variance; σε2, residual variance.