Fig. 3.
Effects of single mutations on TAG content. A TAG content in the segregant 4/17 bearing mutations in the product pathway or in a competing pathway. Acc1 AS indicates an alanine at position 1157 and a serine at position 1257 of Acc1p. The mutation of position 1257 to alanine in this strain results in Acc1 AA. DGA1co and GPT2co indicate the overexpression of codon-optimized variants of these two genes. B TAG content in strains with deletions of genes that encode possible substrates of CK2 and the respective double mutants in the ckb1∆ background. The p-values above the columns are derived from a comparison of the single mutants with the wild-type parental strain. In B All p-values for the comparison of the double mutant strains with their respective single deletion parental strain are < 0.001. All strains were cultivated for 96 h under nitrogen-limited conditions (MM/N-lim1)