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. 2021 Jul 26;21:402. doi: 10.1186/s12909-021-02790-w

Table 2.

Overview of studies identified for inclusion

Author and year Assessment tool Study design and assessment method Domains assessed

Hiemstra et al. [17]



Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skills

Observational study

Self-assessment and peri- and postoperative assessment by supervisor

Generic scale

1) Respect for tissue 2) Time and motion 3) Knowledge and handling of instrument 4) Flow of operation 5) Use of assistants 6) Knowledge of specific procedure

Chen et al. [18]



Vaginal Surgical Skills Index

Observational study

Assessment by supervisor and blinded reviewer of video recording

Generic and procedure-specific scale

1) Initial inspection 2) Incision 3) Maintenance of visibility 4) Use of assistants 5) Knowledge of instruments 6) Tissue and instrument handling 7) Electro surgery 8) Knot tying 9) Haemostasis 10) Procedure completion 11) Time and motion 12) Flow of operation and forward planning 13) Knowledge of specific procedure

Chou B et al. [19]



Hopkins Assessment of Surgical Competency

Observational study

Self-assessment and assessment by supervisor

Generic and procedure-specific scale

General surgical skills: 1) Knowledge/avoidance of potential complications, 2) Respected tissue, 3) Instrument Handling, 4) Time and motion/moves not wasted, 5) Bleeding controlled, 6) Flow of operation

Specific surgical skills: 1) Knowledge of patient history/surgical indication, 2) Knowledge of anatomy, 3) Patient properly positioned on table/in stirrups, 4) Proper placement of retractors, 5) Proper assembly equipment, 6) Proper positioning of lights

Larsen CR et al. [20]



Objective Structured Assessment of Laparoscopic Salpingectomy

Prospective cohort study

Blinded video assessment by two observers

Generic and procedure-specific scale

OSALS general skills 1) Economy of movement, 2) Confidence of movement, 3) Economy of time, 4) Errors; respect for tissue, 5) Flow of operation/operative technique

OSALS specific skills: 1) Presentation of anatomy, 2) Use of diathermy, 3) Dissection of fallopian tube, 4) Care for ovary, ovarian artery and pelvic wall, 5) Extraction of fallopian tube

Peter J. Frederick et al. [21]



Robot Hysterectomy Assessment Score

Observational study

Blinded video assessment by expert reviewers

Procedure-specific scale

1) Handling of the round ligament, 2) Developing the bladder flap, 3) Isolating and securing the infundibulopelvic ligament (or utero-ovarian ligament if the ovaries were retained), 4) Securing the uterine vessels, 5) Performing the colpotomy and 6) Closing the vaginal cuff

Jeanne Goderstad et al. [22]



Competence Assessment for Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy

Prospective interobserver study

Blinded video assessment by expert reviewers

Procedure-specific scale

1) Ligament mobilisation, 2) Release of adnexa form uterus, 3) Division of uterine vessels, 4) Uterus amputation

Savran et al. [23]


Feasible rating scale for formative and summative feedback

Prospective cohort study

Blinded video assessment by two observers

Procedure-specific scale

1) Division of fallopian tube and uteroovarian OR division of the infundibulopelvix ligament 2) Dividing the round ligament 3) Care for the ureter 4) Opening the utero-vesicale peritoneum 5) Identification and skeletonising 6) Presentation and ligation of uterine arteries 7) Opening of the vagina 8) Suturing (catching the needle) 9) Driving the needle through tissue, 10) Placement and depth of sutures in the vaginal cuff, 11) Suturing of the vagina and tying the knot

Heinrich Husslein et al. [24]



Generic Error Rating Tool

Prospective observational study

Blinded video assessment by expert reviewers

Error assessment - generic and procedure-specific scale

1) Abdominal access and removal of instruments or trocars, 2) Use of retractors, 3) Use of energy, 4) Grasping and dissection, 5) Cutting, transection and stapling, 6) Clipping, 7) Suturing, 8) Use of suction, 9) Other

Each generic task subdivided into four distinct error modes: (1) Too much use of force or distance, 2) Too little use of force or distance, 3) Inadequate visualisation, 4) Wrong orientation of instrument

Procedure subdivided into: 1) Insertion of trocars, 2) Creation of bladder flap, 3) Colpotomy 4) Vault closure