Table 2. Risk for bias in studies on human-to-human transmission of plague*.
Study | Were patient characteristics adequately reported? | Was there some effort to trace all contacts from the index case? | Were the methods used for tracing contacts adequate? | Were the laboratory methods used for defining a confirmed case of plague reliable? | Was the route of transmission plausible? | Was the cause-effect of transmission plausible? |
Almeida et al. (17) | Partial | Unknown | NA | Yes | No | Unknown |
Begier et al. (25) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Partial | Yes | Yes |
Bertherat et al. (26) | No | Partial | Unknown | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Evans et al. (18) | Yes | Unknown | NA | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Kellogg et al. (20) | Yes | Unknown | NA | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Kugeler 2015 (19) | Partial | Unknown | NA | Yes | Unknown | Unknown |
Rabaan et al. (21) | Partial | Partial | Unknown | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ramasindrazana et al. (22) | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes | Yes |
Ratsitorahina et al. (23) | Yes | Yes | Unknown | Partial | Yes | Yes |
Richard et al. (24) | Yes | Yes | Unknown | Yes | Yes | Yes |
*NA, not applicable.