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. 2021 Aug;27(8):2033–2041. doi: 10.3201/eid2708.200136

Table 2. Risk for bias in studies on human-to-human transmission of plague*.

Study Were patient characteristics adequately reported? Was there some effort to trace all contacts from the index case? Were the methods used for tracing contacts adequate? Were the laboratory methods used for defining a confirmed case of plague reliable? Was the route of transmission plausible? Was the cause-effect of transmission plausible?
Almeida et al. (17) Partial Unknown NA Yes No Unknown
Begier et al. (25) Yes Yes Yes Partial Yes Yes
Bertherat et al. (26) No Partial Unknown Yes Yes Yes
Evans et al. (18) Yes Unknown NA Yes Yes Yes
Kellogg et al. (20) Yes Unknown NA Yes Yes Yes
Kugeler 2015 (19) Partial Unknown NA Yes Unknown Unknown
Rabaan et al. (21) Partial Partial Unknown Yes Yes Yes
Ramasindrazana et al. (22) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Ratsitorahina et al. (23) Yes Yes Unknown Partial Yes Yes
Richard et al. (24) Yes Yes Unknown Yes Yes Yes

*NA, not applicable.