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. 2020 Oct 27;24(11):3477–3487. doi: 10.1017/S1368980020003705

Table 4.

Panel regression of ENSO exposure in intake of fish, yucca, plants and rice in grams. All models adjusted for gender, age, parity, seasons (months), assets, energy (kcal, to convert energy values from kilocalories to kilojoules, multiply by 4·184), household income, maternal education and illness in the previous 30 d. Model set 2 adjusted additionally for median river level (metres). Model set 3 presents the interaction term and also adjusted for river levels (metres)

Model set 1: Adjusted for all covariates Yucca Fish Rice Sugar
 ONI (La Nina) –7·384* 0·517 –2·632† 0·0177
 SOI (La Nina) –7·165* –4·719* 0·978 –2·372
 MEI (La Nina) –3·287 –3·179 –1·543 2·017
Model set 2: Adjusted for all covariates and local food price index
 ONI (La Nina) –6·196† 2·423 –2·862† –0·622
 SOI (La Nina) –6·520* –3·955* 0·697 –3·107
 MEI (La Nina) –1·546 –1·324 –2·147 0·766
Model set 3: Adjusted for all covariates and river level
 ONI: La Nina) –6·12 0·819 –3·167* –0·0854
 SOI (La Nina) –6·348* –4·694* 0·787 –2·487
 MEI (La Nina) –3·29 –3·204 –1·264 2·106
Model set 4: Interaction term of La Nina*Gender, adjusted for all covariates and river levels.
 ONI × Female 4·729 –2·141 0·539 –10·11†
 SOI × Female 0·788 –2·55 –0·351 –12·25*
 MEI × Female 2·772 –3·725 –2·071 –11·03*

ENSO, El Niño Southern Oscillation; ONI, Oceanic Niiño Index; SOI, Southern Oscillation Index; MEI, Multivariate ENSO Index.

P < 0·10; *P < 0·05; **P < 0·01; ***P < 0·001.