Selection for Gad island and for gadE+. The slopes were calculated over days 0 to 3 of testing. Significance was determined as for Fig. 3 (†, P < 0.05). (A) slp-gadX+. Selection rate is given by log2(W3110/Δslp-gadX)/day. Conditions include LBK-PIPES pH 6.8 alone (n = 12), with 0.15% bile acids (n = 20), with 6 mM salicylate (n = 12), and with 0.15% bile acids and 6 mM salicylate (n = 12). (B) gadE+. Selection rate is given by log2(ΔyhdN::kanR/ΔgadE::kanR)/day. Conditions include LBK-PIPES pH 6.8 alone (n = 12), with 0.15% bile acids (n = 20), with 6 mM salicylate (n = 12), and with 0.15% bile acids and 6 mM salicylate (n = 16).