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. 2021 Aug 1;30(3):156–164.

Table 1.

Demographic and medication-related information of 18 pediatric serotonin syndrome cases

Study Age Sex Ethnicity Diagnoses SSRI SSRI dose Other medications Time to symptom onset
Benzick, 2001; USA 17 F East Asian PTSD Paroxetine 10 mg 3 days after starting paroxetine
Ghanizadeh et al, 2008; Iran AD M Depression Fluoxetine
Gill et al, 1999; USA 11 M ADHD Fluvoxamine 50 mg Perphenazine, benztropine, valproate (stopped 7 days prior) 1 hour after first dose
Godinho et al, 2002; UK 8 M ADHD, ID Fluoxetine 10 mg Pimozide (stopped 7 days prior) 33 days after taking 10mg daily
Grenha et al, 2013; Portugal 8 F Behavioral problem/ insomnia Sertraline 50 mg × 30 tabs Risperidone Several hours after overdose
Jahr et al, 1994; USA 18 F Depression Sertraline 200 mg Fentanyl, lidocaine, midazolam Immediately after receiving fentanyl, lidocaine, and midazolam
Kaminski et al, 1994; USA 9 M Sertraline 50 mg × unknown tabs Methylphenidate (stopped 9 days prior) 2 hours after overdose
Kawano et al, 2011; Japan 15 M Fluvoxamine Overdose Tandospirone 24 hours after overdose
Lee & Lee, 1999; USA 12 M OCD, Phobia Sertraline 37.5 mg Erythromycin 4 days after starting erythromycin
Lee-Kelland et al, 2018; UK 14 M Depression, anxiety Fluoxetine 20 mg × 60 tabs 7 hours after overdose
Likasitwattanakul, 2005; Thailand 12 M OCD Sertraline 50 mg Clomipramine 1 day after increasing sertraline from 25mg to 50mg
Mullins, 1999; USA 16 F Hispanic Sertraline 100 mg Soon after first dose
Park & Jung, 2010; Korea 18 M East Asian Depression Paroxetine 40 mg Methylphenidate One month after starting paroxetine and methylphenidate
Phan et al, 2008; USA 9 M Behavioral problem Sertraline 50 mg 2 hours after first dose
Pitzianti et al, 2016; Italy 16 F Eating disorder, dysthymia, hypomania Sertraline 20 mg × 100 tabs 13 hours after overdose
Satoh et al, 2006; Japan 18 M East Asian Depression, panic disorder Paroxetine 10 mg Fluvoxamine (stopped 1 day prior) 6 days after starting paroxetine
Thomas et al, 2004; USA 4 F Hispanic Acute stress disorder Fluoxetine 5 mg Fentanyl, linezolid 2 days after starting linezolid and soon after receiving fentanyl
Türkoglu, 2015; Turkey 14 F Depression Sertraline 150 mg Methylphenidate 2 days after starting methylphenidate

Abbreviations: AD = adolescent; ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; ID = intellectual disability; OCD = obsessive compulsive disorder; PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder; SSRI = selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor