Monounsaturated fat (omega-9) may lower LDL-C and ASCVD risk.
Extra virgin olive oil, canola oil, peanut oil
Avocados, olives (very high in sodium)
Unsalted nuts: almonds, peanuts, pecans, pistachios, hazelnuts
Polyunsaturated fat (omega- 6 and plant omega 3): help lower LDL-C when they replace saturated fat.
Omega 6 Linoleic acid: Corn oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, soybean oil, sunflower seeds.
Omega 3 Alpha-linolenic acid: Flax seed oil, canola oil, soy bean oil, English walnuts, edamame, hemp seeds, chia seeds, flax seeds and fenugreek seeds.
Saturated fats raise LDL-C. Saturated fats should be avoided or eaten in small amounts. Saturated fats are solid at room temperature.
Fatty cuts of lamb, pork, beef, poultry with skin, beef fat, lard, bacon, sausage, hotdogs.
Whole milk & whole milk products: butter, ghee, cheese, cream, ice-cream, yogurt made from whole milk.
Palm oil, palm kernel oil and coconut oil and coconut cream
Trans fats: raise LDL-C and CVD risk and should be avoided if they are labeled as partially hydrogenated fats.
Baked goods: pastries, cakes, donuts, cookies.
Fried foods: French fries, fried chicken, onion rings and deep-fried snacks cooked in re-used oil.
Stick margarine, shortening
Butter, meat, cheese and dairy products