Table 1.
Sociodemographic, drug use, and overdose characteristics of survey participants, by overdose prevention training.
Characteristic | Total (N = 186) % (n) | Trained (n = 70) % (n) | Untrained (n = 116) % (n) | p-Value* |
Age, mean (SD)a | 38.6 (9.8) | 37.8 (9.2) | 39.2 (10.2) | .36 |
Race (any ethnicity) | ||||
Caucasian/White | 64.0 (119) | 67.1 (47) | 62.1(72) | ref |
African-American/Black | 19.4 (36) | 17.1 (12) | 20.7 (24) | .51 |
Hispanic | 8.6 (16) | 8.6 (6) | 8.6 (10) | .88 |
Native American or Pacific Islander | 2.2 (4) | 2.9 (2) | 1.7 (2) | .68 |
Two or more races | 5.9 (11) | 4.3 (3) | 6.9 (8) | .43 |
Hispanic origin (any race)b | 12.5 (23) | 12.9 (9) | 12.3 (14) | .91 |
Recent street involvementa | 89.7 (166) | 92.8 (64) | 87.9 (102) | .30 |
Unstable housing, past 12 months | 71.5 (133) | 70.0 (49) | 72.4 (84) | .72 |
Survival sex, past 12 months | 58.6 (109) | 58.6 (41) | 58.6 (68) | .995 |
Drug use in public places, past 30 days | 72.6 (135) | 80.0 (56) | 68.1 (79) | .08 |
Drug sales in public places, past 30 daysc | 28.0 (51) | 32.4 (22) | 25.4 (29) | .32 |
Drug use in the past 30 days | ||||
Injection | 69.9 (130) | 80.0 (56) | 63.8 (74) | .020 |
Any opioid use | 79.6 (148) | 90.0 (63) | 73.3 (85) | .006 |
Heroin | 75.3 (140) | 87.1 (61) | 68.1 (79) | .004 |
Cocaine or crack | 72.0 (134) | 71.4 (50) | 72.4 (84) | .89 |
Mixing any opioid with any benzodiazepine | 81.2 (151) | 90.0 (63) | 75.9 (88) | .017 |
Ownership of a cell phoned | 58.1 (100) | 58.2 (39) | 58.1 (61) | .99 |
Lifetime personal overdose | ||||
Ever had a personal overdose | 70.4 (131) | 71.4 (50) | 69.8 (81) | .82 |
Number of personal overdoses, median (IQR) | 2.0 (0–4) | 2.5 (0–5) | 2.0 (0–4) | .62 |
Lifetime witnessed overdose | ||||
Ever witnessed a fatal overdosee | 55.5 (91) | 62.3 (38) | 51.5 (53) | .18 |
Number of witnessed overdoses, median (IQR) | 5.0 (3–10) | 9.5 (4.8–20) | 5.0 (2–10) | <.000 |
Most recently witnessed overdose | ||||
Timing | ||||
In the past year or earlier | 77.4 (144) | 95.7 (67) | 66.4 (77) | .000 |
Location | ||||
Outdoor placesf | 61.8 (115) | 77.1 (54) | 52.6 (61) | .017 |
Private residenceg | 23.1 (43) | 15.7 (11) | 27.6 (32) | ref |
Abandoned buildings or drug use ‘houses’ | 8.1 (15) | 2.9 (2) | 11.2 (13) | .34 |
Car | 3.8 (7) | 1.4 (1) | 5.2 (6) | .52 |
Other private placesh | 3.2 (6) | 2.9 (2) | 3.4 (4) | .69 |
Victim | ||||
Stranger | 58.1 (108) | 78.6 (55) | 45.7 (53) | .018 |
Friend | 32.8 (61) | 17.1 (12) | 42.2 (49) | .85 |
Intimate partner or family member | 9.1 (17) | 4.3 (3) | 12.1 (14) | ref |
Superscripted letters indicate variation in sample size due to missing responses, ‘Do not know’ responses, or modification of survey instrument: an = 185; bn = 184; cn = 182; dn = 172; en = 164.
Streets, alleyways, parks, parking lots, playgrounds, abandoned areas or lots, railroad tracks, and woods.
The participant’s, victim’s or someone else’s place.
Recovery house (2 responses), a store (2 responses), methadone clinic, and nonprofit organization (1 response each).
Bolded p-values (<.05) indicate significant differences between trained and untrained groups.