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. 2020 Sep 23;3:100028. doi: 10.1016/j.lanwpc.2020.100028

Table 2.

Alignment of quality improvement interventions with WHO Standards for Improving Quality of Maternal and Newborn Care in Health Facilities.a

WHO standards for improving quality of maternal and newborn care in health facilities
Provision of care domains
Experience of care domains
Both experience and provision of care domains
Author(s) Year Intervention described 1. Routine, evidence-based care and management of complications during labour, childbirth and the early postnatal period, according to WHO guidelines 2. The health information system enables use of data to ensure early, appropriate action to improve the care of every woman and newborn 3. Every woman and newborn with condition(s) that cannot be dealt with effectively with the available resources is appropriately referred 4. Communication with women and their families is effective and responds to their needs and preferences 5. Women and newborns receive care with respect and preservation of their dignity 6. Every woman and her family are provided with emotional support that is sensitive to their needs and strengthens the woman's capability 7. For every woman and newborn, competent, motivated staff are consistently available to provide routine care and manage complications 8. The health facility has an appropriate physical environment, with adequate water, sanitation and energy supplies, medicines, supplies and equipment for routine maternal and newborn care and management of complications
Ashwell and Barclay 2009a Broad description of intervention: improved access to health services, in-service training for staff, community development, health promotion interventions, sanitation, hygiene, housing, behaviour and attitude changes regard health and survival of women and children.
Ashwell and Barclay 2009b In-service training for district health workers, improvements to cold chain vaccine supply system, behaviour and attitude changes in relation to sanitation hygiene and housing, strengthening and expansion of existing health volunteer programs.
Bettiol 2004 Village Birth Attendant training program – 3 week course in basic midwifery skills and attendance in antenatal clinic.
Choy and Duke 2000 Women from remote villages trained to become Village Child Health Workers – one-month course included 10 basic lessons for child health, when to refer. Integrated into postgraduate nursing degree - child nursing students were the teachers.
Datta et al. 2013 Development of natonal action plan for elimination of maternal and neonatal tetnaus in PNG (immunisation program, training of midwives, community health workers, improved antenatal care.
Dawson 2016 Integration of Clinical Midwifery Facilitators into four training schools to mentor PNG midwifery educators.
Duke 2017 Implementation of oxygen delivery systems for paediatric use in PNG.
Field 2018a Public private partnership for improving rural health service delivery (including development of annual activity plan, building staff houses, provision of boats to health facilities, health facility rennovations, workforce training, supplementary medical supplies, village health volunteer program, outreach clinics including antenatal care and family planning services).
Field 2018b Development of national policies and standards, establishment of partnerships at provincial level with state and non-state partners in health, health worker training, infrastructure development, community level health promotion activities).
Gardiner 2016 Program to improve maternity care providers knowledge and confidence in managing perinatal deaths.
Gupta 2017 Contraceptive implant outrach program.
Kamblijambi 2017 Evaluation of a bachelor of clinical maternal and child health with a double major in midwifery and child health.
Kirby 2013 Mother Baby Gift program, staff incentives, emergency obstetric staff training, emergency obstetric kits, water and solar lighting installation, construction of waiting houses for expectant mothers, emergency food fund for mothers.
Kirby 2015 Offering women ‘mother baby gifts’ at the time of birth as incentives to birth in a facility.
Mannering 2013 Education package to reduce infant mortality rate and improve ealth of neonates.
Moores 2016 Midwifery education initiative to improve standard of clinical teaching and practice in PNG – curriculum review, provision of teaching and clinical simulation resources, appointment of clinical midwifery facilitators.
Narayan 2009 Improved infection control practices in a neonatal intensive care unit.
O'Keefe 2011 Village Health Volunteer Program – training in antenatal care, birth attendants.
Olita'a 2019 A protocol for minimal or no antibiotics in term babies born after premature rupture of membranes (PROM).
Raman 2015 Revision and trial of a pre-existing perinatal mortality audit datasheet.
Rumsey 2016 Mentorship program for upcoming nursing and midwifery leaders.
Sa'avu 2014 Improvements to neonatal care including staff training, oxygen and pulse oximeter installation.
Sandakabatu 2018 Revised neonatal and child death audit process.
Thiessen 2018 Private public partnership involving the establishment of a reproductive training unit to conduct training for reproductive health workers in essential and emergency obstetric care.
Tynan 2018 Prevention of parent to child HIV program including antenatal care; HIV counselling and testing; provision of ART; supervised birth; infant prophylaxis; education on infant feeding practices; infant follow‐up including HIV testing; family planning; linkages to long‐term HIV care; and treatment.
Usher 2003 Establishment of nurse practitioner program.
West 2017 Clinical mentoring, supervision and teaching program for midwifery educators.
WHO 2005 WHO regional strategy – making pregnancy safer.
WHO 2009 WHO meeting report – situation of maternal and newborn health in the Pacific.
WHO 2013 WHO draft action plan for healthy newborns in Western Pacific.
WHO 2014 WHO final action plan for healthy newborn infants in Western Pacific.
WHO 2016 WHO first biennial progress report – action plan for healthy newborn infants in Western Pacific.

Alignment was determined by examining which domains initiatives addressed.