Genes associated with human aging and Alzheimer’s disease are upregulated in the Rp58−/− cortical neurons. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) revealing that the genes that are derepressed in the Rp58−/− show a significant correlation with genes associated with the aging brain, Alzheimer’s disease, and the aging kidney (A). The E14.5 cortical neuron RNA-seq wiggle tracks on the UCSC genome browser (B) show the expression of the Myo10, Serinc5, Pon2, Htra1, Slc4a4, Crb3l2, Ramp1, Gja1, Hspa2, Bmp7, Serpinh1, and Eya1 genes in the Rp58+/+ (black tracks) and Rp58−/− neurons (red tracks). These genes identified as being regulated during brain aging in the Lu et al. study (30) are derepressed in the mutant cortical neurons. Analyses of the relative mRNA levels of Bmp7, Crb3l2, Efs, Eya1, Gja1, Htra1, Myo10, and Ramp1 genes in sorted cell populations of Rp58−/− versus Rp58+/+ E14.5 cortices (C). Note that the expression of these genes is maintained at a high level in the Rp58−/− cells. Diagrams are from a representative experiment.