Figure 4.
HiChIP interactions link GRHL3 and FOXO1 as candidate genes in psoriasis. (a) HiChIP interactions from the IFNLR1/GRHL3 locus link GRHL3 as a candidate gene. The tracks (in order) include the following: gencode genes, SNPs associated with psoriasis (r2 > 0.8), H3K27ac signal in unstimulated HaCaT cells, significant long-range interactions originating from the psoriasis-associated locus in unstimulated HaCaT cells, H3K27ac signal in IFN-γ‒stimulated HaCaT cells, and significant long-range interactions originating from the psoriasis-associated locus in IFN-γ‒stimulated HaCaT cells. (b) HiChIP interactions from the FOXO1 locus link FOXO1 as a candidate gene. The tracks (in order) include the following: gencode genes, SNPs associated with psoriasis (r2 > 0.8), H3K27ac signal in unstimulated HaCaT cells, significant long-range interactions originating from the psoriasis-associated locus in unstimulated HaCaT cells, H3K27ac signal in IFN-γ‒stimulated HaCaT cells, significant long-range interactions originating from the psoriasis-associated locus in IFN-γ‒stimulated HaCaT cells, H3K27ac signal in GM12878 cells, H3K27ac signal in naïve T cells, and H3K27ac signal in MyLa cells. kb, kilobase.