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. 2021 Jul 20;2021:9491496. doi: 10.1155/2021/9491496

Table 4.

Question wise response (correct) in parents (N = 20).

S. no Question Before After Z value# P value#
N % N %
1 Do your clean your child teeth using toothbrush and toothpaste? 13 65 15 75 0.632 0.527
2 Have you noticed bleeding from gum while your child is brushing his teeth? 17 85 9 45 2.309 0.021
3 How many times your child should brush the teeth daily? 1 5 16 80 3.873 <0.001∗∗
4 How long your child should spend on brushing the teeth? 0 0 8 40 2.828 0.005
5 Do you know about special toothbrush which is “3-sided toothbrush” (Autisticare) especially designed for autistic children? 1 5 16 80 3.873 <0.001∗∗
6 Have you ever tried to notice the black discoloration/spot in your child tooth? 19 95 16 80 1.732 0.083
7 Are you satisfied about your child's dental health? 10 50 13 65 1.000 0.317
8 Do you floss your child's tooth with the dental floss? 8 40 14 70 1.897 0.058
9 Do you know about special dental floss by name “Gumchucks” especially designed for autistic children? 6 30 17 85 3.051 0.002
10 What is the effect of fibres containing vegetables and fruits on general health of teeth? 8 40 15 75 2.111 0.035
11 Do you think eating sweet food is good for teeth and oral health? 14 70 9 45 1.667 0.096
12 Do chocolate and sugar-containing food cause tooth decay and tooth pain? 1 5 13 65 3.464 0.001
13 Do you think drinking soft drink can cause tooth decay, tooth pain, or gum disease? 11 55 10 50 0.333 0.739
14 Did you visit the dentist before for your child's dental check-up? 1 5 17 85 4.000 <0.001∗∗
15 How many times you should visit the dentist for regular check-up of your child? 13 65 16 80 1.000 0.317
16 Is special information necessary about dental care for autistic child? 10 50 18 90 2.309 0.021
17 Have you seen any awareness programs for autistic child dental health? 4 20 14 70 2.887 0.004
18 Does your child chew the pencil and injure the gums? 10 50 17 85 2.111 0.035
19 Do you know about special “pencil toppers” made for autistic child to prevent the accidental gum injury due to pencil chewing? 19 95 19 95 0.000 1.000
20 Does your child have the habit to bite the nail and fingers and injure the gums? 16 80 8 40 2.530 0.011
21 Do you know about special “chew necklace” device made for autistic child to prevent the gum injury by nail/finger biting? 4 20 12 60 2.530 0.011

#Wilcoxon signed rank test; P < 0.05, significant; ∗∗P < 0.001; highly significant.