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. 2021 Jan 24;49(4):645–651. doi: 10.1007/s15010-020-01575-5

Table 2.

FBC profile of the 612 study participants regarding schistosomiasis status

FBC parameters Schistosoma status (median, [IQ]) p value
(Wilcoxon test)
Negative Positive
Erythrocytes (106/mm3) 4.56 [4.29–4.83] 4.54, [4.30–4.85] 0.88
Haemoglobin (g/dl) 11.7 [11.1–12.3] 11.5, [10.7–12.1] 0.001
Hematocrit (%) 35.9 [34.2–35.8] 35.4, [32.7–36.6] 0.0005
MCV (µm3) 79.0 [75.0–83.0] 77.0, [73.0–81.0]  < 0.0001
MCH (pg) 25.9 [24.4–27.5] 25.1, [23.7–26.5]  < 0.0001
MCHC (g/dl) 32.7 [32.0–33.2] 32.5, [31.8–33.2] 0.26
Thrombocytes (103/mm3) 232 [170–287] 254, [195–315] 0.003
Leukocytes (103/mm3) 6.50 [5.50–8.00] 7.5, [6.30–9.10]  < 0.0001
Lymphocytes (103/mm3) 3.24 [2.64–4.40] 3.57, [3.11–4.40]  < 0.0001
Neutrophils (103/mm3) 2.29 [1.79–3.09] 2.49, [2.04–3.19] 0.01
Eosinophils (103/mm3) 0.30 [0.16–0.50] 0.52, [0.33–0.90]  < 0.0001
Basophils (103/mm3) 0.05 [0.04–0.07] 0.07, [0.05–0.09]  < 0.0001
Monocytes (103/mm3) 0.39 [0.03–0.61] 0.43, [0.01–0.61] 0.50