Figure 3. FPN3 expression detected by FPN3p-GUS and RT-qPCR.
(A-C) Histochemical staining of FPN3p-GUS seedlings germinated under iron sufficient conditions on day 3 (A) and day 5 (C), and a close-up image of the root tip of a day 3 seedling (B; boxed region in A). (D) FPN3p-GUS expression in the first true leaf of a 3-week old plant. (E, F) FPN3p-GUS staining in floral organs (E) and the silique (F). (G, H) FPN3p-GUS staining in 1-day-old imbibing seedlings germinated on iron deficient (G) or sufficient (H) media. (I) FPN3p-GUS staining in 3-day-old seedlings germinated on iron deficient (−Fe) or sufficient (+Fe) media. (J, K) Close-up view of iron sufficient root (J) and iron deficient root (K). Representative images of seedlings or organs from at least 6 individuals are shown. (L) Steady state transcript level of FPN3 relative to the internal control, ACT2, in shoots and roots of wild type plants treated under iron deficient or sufficient conditions are shown. Transcript levels were detected by RT-qPCR. Statistically significant groups are denoted with different letters (ANOVA; Tukey’s test; *: p<0.05; n=3; error bars = SD).