Compound (+)-22a rescues novel object recognition memory in NR1-KD mice. Mice were given vehicle (Veh) or 0.5 or 1 mg/kg (+)-22a 30 min before training or at testing for long-term memory (LTM). (A) At testing for LTM, Veh-treated wild-type (WT) controls displayed a preference for the novel object, whereas NR1-KD mice showed no preference for either object. In contrast, 1 mg/kg (+)-22a rescued this deficit in the mutants while producing some impairment in the WT animals. (B–C) As a control, the duration of object exploration was examined during (B) training and (C) LTM testing. At training and at testing Veh-treated NR1-KD mice spent more time exploring the objects than WT mice, while (+)-22a reduced this exploration time to levels that were not significantly different from the WT controls. N = 9–10 mice/genotype/treatment; *, p < 0.05, (+)-22a compared to the Veh within genotype; x, p < 0.05, NR1-KD compared to the WT vehicle.