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. 2021 Jul 25;12:20420986211027451. doi: 10.1177/20420986211027451

Table 1.

CV medication harm causing presentation or admission to hospital.

Author(s) Type of study Population/(n) Country Type of medication harm Incidence % CV medication harm CV medications rank against other drug classes Outcomes
Systematic reviews and meta-analysis
Runciman et al. 38 Review of multiple sources: SR, national data bases Multiple data sources: refer to study AU ADR/ADE a 2–4% of admissions; 30% in ⩾75 years CV medications leading cause (% NR) NR Cost: >AUD$400 million per year
Mortality: 27% of AE deaths in 1997–1998
Howard et al. 39 SR of 17 POS ⩾16 years/(n = 17 studies) Preventable DRAsa,b 1.4–15.4% of admissions (3.7% median) 33% (CV)
16% (diuretics) of preventable DRAs
2nd (diuretics)
6th (BB)
7th (ACE-I)
9th (positive inotropes)
12th (CCB)
14th (nitrates)
Kongkaew et al. 36 SR of 25 POS All patients/(n = 25 studies, 106,586 patients) ADR 0.16–15.7% of admissions (5.3% median) 45.7% c (median in all adults)
42.5% c (median in older adults)
1st Severity (reported by two studies): 3.3% and 38.1% of events were severe
Al Hamid et al. 40 SR of ROS/POS ⩾18 years/(n = 21 ADR studies, 6 ADE studies) ADR and ADE a ADR: 1.47% median (ROS), 12% median (POS)
ADE: 12.4% median (POS)
33.9% (median) of ADRs, 42.3% (median) of ADEs 1st Refer to study
Alhawassi et al. 41 SR of ROS/POS ⩾18 years/(n = 14 studies) ADR 10.0% of admissions (median) CV medications leading cause (% NR) NR NR
Oscanoa et al. 42 SR and MA ⩾60 years/(n = 42 studies) ADR a 8.7% BB, digoxin, ACE-I and CCB were frequently identified (% NR) NR NR
Literature reviews
Roughead et al. 43 Review of 14 studies All patients/(n = 14 studies, 12,676 patients combined) AU DRA a 2.4–3.6% of admissions CV medications leading cause (% NR) NR NR
Wiffen et al. 44 LR of 69 studies (54 POS, 15 ROS) All patients/(n = 412,000) ADR 3.1% of admitted patients Digoxin (22/69), Diuretics (15/69) identified as leading cause NR Cost: £380 million per year
Angamo et al. 45 LR of studies in developed and developing countries ⩾15 years (n = 43 studies) ADR Developed: 6.3% (median) Developing: 5.5% (median) CV medications identified as leading cause (% NR) NR Severity: Developed: 20.0% severe (median)
Developing: 10.0% (median)
Observational, cohort, and cross-sectional studies
Larmour et al. 46 PCS All patients/(n = 5623 admissions) AU ADR 1.6% of admissions 11.1% of ADRs 1st Mortality: 5.6%
Stanton et al. 47 PCS Adult patients/(n = 691) AU ADR 3.04% of admissions 9.5% of ADRs 4th NR
Nelson et al. 48 PCS Patients admitted to ICU or internal medicine/(n = 452) USA DRA a (includes ADR and DTF) DRA: 16.2%
ADR: 5.3% of patients
13.2% (diuretics)
10.5% (CV) of patients with DRA
Jha et al. 49 PCS All patients/(n = 3238 admissions) USA ADE a 2.3% of admissions 12% of ADEs 2nd Cost: $6.3 million per year for all ADEs
Severity: 78% severe
Burgess et al. 50 Retrospective secondary data analysis of case series >60 years/(n = 43,380) AU ADR 0.8% of all admissions for all age-groups 17.5% of patients >60 years with ADRs 1st NR
Passarelli et al. 51 PCS ⩾60 years admitted to internal medicine/(n = 186) Brazil ADR 11.3% of patients 22.7% (digoxin) of ADRs causing admission 1st LOS: increased (p < 0.001)
Budnitz et al. 52 PCS All patients/(n = estimated 701,547 cases) USA ADE a NR 7.6% of ADE hospitalisations 5th NR
Ducharme et al. 53 Retrospective analysis of preventability data ADR data collected over three years at a teaching hospital/(n = 475 ADRs) USA pADR 126 pADRs (% NR) 11.9% 4th NR
Edwards et al. 54 PCS Patients ⩾17 years/(n = 62,064 admissions) USA ADE a 2.4% of admissions 28% of ADEs 2nd Mortality: 3.2%
Ocampo et al. 55 CSS Patients ⩾60 years/(n = 400) Columbia ADE and ADR 6.8% % NR 3rd NR
Ventura et al. 56 PCS All patients/(n = 56,031) Italy ADR 21.2% % NR 3rd NR
Budnitz et al. 6 RCS ⩾65 years/(n = estimated 99,628 cases) USA ADE NR 9.8% of ADE hospitalisations 3rd NR
Conforti et al. 57 PCS Patients ⩾65 years/(n = 1023) Italy ADR 11.1% of patients 46.2% of ADRs 1st LOS: increased (no p value reported)
Marcum et al. 58 RCS ⩾65 years veterans/(n = 6778) USA ADR a 10% of patients CV medications identified as leading cause (% NR) NR NR
McLachlan et al. 59 PCS All general medical patients/(n = 336) New Zealand ADE 28.6% of admissions 23% (vasodilators), 16% (diuretics), 11% (chronotropes) 1st (vasodilators), 3rd (diuretics), 4th (chronotropes) NR
Phillips et al. 60 PCS All patients/(n = 370) AU ADEa,d 16% of patients (34.7% were ADRs) 31.5% of ADEs 3rd (ACE-I)
5th (BB)
6th (diuretics)
8th (CCB)
Severity: 34.7% of ADEs were severe
Gustafsson et al. 37 RCS ⩾65 years with cognitive impairment/(n = 458) Sweden DRPa,e DRP: 41.3%
ADR: 18.8% of admissions
29.5% of DRPs (% of ADRs NR) 1st NR
de Almeida et al. 61 RCS Adult patients/(n = 866) Brazil ADR 2.3% 14.3% of ADRs 2nd Cost: $5698.84 per ADR hospitalisation
Paradissis et al. 22 PCS ⩾65 years admitted to internal medicine/ (n = 164) AU ADE a 15.2% of patients 50% of ADEs 1st LOS: increased (p = 0.043)
Parameswaran et al. 62 Prospective, CSS ⩾65 years admitted to hospital/(n = 1008) AU ADR 18.9% of admissions 23.9% of ADRs (diuretics)
16.4% (ACE-I/ARB)
7.1% (BB)
Preventable: 87.2% of ADRs
Mortality: 2.1%
Severity: 2.1%
Poudel et al. 63 Descriptive RCS All patients/(n = weighted estimate 150 259 899 hospitalisations) USA ADE a 5.97–6.28% of hospitalisations 13.24% of ADEs (combined) 8th (diuretics)
11th (anti-HTN)
15th (cardiac glycosides)
17th (anti-arrhythmics)
18th (BB)
21st (antihyperlipidaemic)
LOS: increased for ADE hospitalisations (p < 0.001)
Cost: increased (p < 0.001)
Mortality: increased (p < 0.001)
Ognibene et al. 64 RCS ⩾65 years admitted to internal medicine/(n = 1750) Italy ADR f 6.1% of admissions 17.6% (Diuretics) 1st Mortality: 10.4% of ADRs
Severity: 27.4% with residual disability
Schurig et al. 65 PCS All patients presenting to emergency/(n = 10,174) Germany ADR a 6.5% of admissions ~19% (BB)
~17% (ACE-I)
Mullan et al. 66 RCS ⩾65 years with and without dementia/(n = 228,165 admissions) AU MMa,g 4.6% of admissions With dementia:
3.9% of MM (anti-HTN)
3.4% (BB)
2.5% (ACE-I)
Without dementia:
4.7% (anti-HTN)
4.1% (BB)
2.6% (cardiac glycosides)
2.1% (diuretics)
2.0% (ACE-I)
With dementia:
Without dementia:
Zhang et al. 67 Population based RCS All patients/(n = 315,274 ADR admissions) AU ADR 432.3 per 100,000 residents 4.8% of ADRs (anti-HTN)
3.9% (BB)
2.9% (cardiac stimulant)
Smeaton et al. 68 PCS Patients aged between 45–64 years/(n = 100) Ireland ADR 21% 52.2% of ADRs 1st Preventable: 52.2% of ADRs

Includes medication errors.


Includes ADRs, overtreatment, under-treatment and adherence problems.


Definition for CV medications incorporated antithrombotics and anticoagulants.


Includes non-compliance, untreated indications, improper drug selection, sub/supratherapeutic dose, ADRs, drug interactions and drug use without indication.


Includes ADR, dosage too high, dosage too low, ineffective drug, needs additional drug therapy, unnecessary drug therapy and noncompliance.


Includes drug–drug interactions.


Includes ADR, ADEs and medication errors.

ACE-I, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor; ADE, adverse drug event; ADR, adverse drug reaction; AE, adverse events; anti-HTN, antihypertensives; ARB, angiotensin receptor blocker; AU, Australia; AUD, Australian dollars; BB, beta-blockers; CCB, calcium channel blocker; CCS, case-control study; CSS, cross-sectional study/survey; CV, cardiovascular; DRA, drug-related admission; DRP, drug-related problem; DTF, drug therapeutic failure; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; LR, literature review; MA, meta-analysis; MM, medication misadventure; NR, not reported; OS, observational study; pADE, preventable adverse drug event; PCS, prospective cohort study; POS, prospective observational study (includes CCS/PCS); RCS, retrospective cohort study; ROS, retrospective observational study (includes CCS/RCS); SR, systematic review; USA, United States of America.