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. 2021 Jul 25;12:20420986211027451. doi: 10.1177/20420986211027451

Table 2.

CV medication harm within hospitals.

Author Type of study Patient population/(n) Country Type of medication harm Incidence % medication harm caused by CV medications CV medications ranked against other drug classes Outcomes
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Beijer et al. 73 MA All patients/(n = 68 studies, 123,794 admissions) ADR a 4.9% of admissions (mean) CV identified in 38 studies NR Preventable: 28.9% (mean) from 12 studies
Alhawassi et al. 41 SR of POS/ROS ⩾18 years/(n = 14 studies) ADR 11.5% (median) CV medications identified as leading cause (% NR) NR NR
Laatikainen et al. 74 MA and SR of nine studies All patients/(n = 9 studies, 46,626 patients) ADE a
ADEs: 21.6% (mean) ADRs: 23.4% (mean) FADRs: 9.6% (mean) 16% of ADEs
20% of ADRs
9% of FADR (from three studies)
Preventable: 12.0–75%
Severity: 9.6% fatal (mean from 3 studies)
Literature reviews
Wiffen et al. 44 LR of 69 studies (54 POS and 15 ROS) All patients/(n = 412,000) ADR 3.7% of inpatients Digoxin (22 studies) Diuretics (15 studies) identified as leading cause of harm (% NR) NR Cost: £380 million
Kanjanarat et al. 70 LR of 10 studies All patients/(n = 10 studies, 117,259 patients) pADE a 1.8% (median) 17.9% of pADEs 1st NR
Levkovich et al. 75 Scoping LR Hospitalised patients/(n = 12 studies) Emergency call/respiratory arrest 5–37% of deteriorations CV medications identified as leading cause (% NR) NR NR
Observational/cohort and case-control studies
Leape et al. 4 RCS All patients/(n = 30,195) USA AEs (including drug complications a ) 19% of adverse events 8.5% of drug complications 4th Severity: 14.1% caused serious disability
Wilson et al. 5 RCS All patients/(n = 14,000 admissions) AU AEs including drug related a 10.8% of AEs 11.6% (CV)
8.2% (antihypertensive) of drug-related AEs
3rd (CV)
6th (anti-HTN) b
Mortality: 8%, Severity: 17% caused permanent disability
Classen et al. 76 Matched CCS All patients/(n = 1580 cases and 20,197 controls) USA ADE a 2.43% of patients NR 2nd (digoxin) Cost: increase of $2262 linked with ADE (p < 0.001)
Severity: 5.8% severe, 3.5% fatal
LOS: increased (p < 0.01)
Doucet et al. 77 PCS ⩾70 years admitted to geriatric unit/(n = 2814) France ADE 15.2% 43.7% of ADEs 1st NR
Al-Tajir et al. 78 PCS All patients/(n = 736 ADE reports) UAE ADE NR 16.5% 3rd Preventable: 13.8% of ADEs
Passarelli et al. 51 PCS ⩾60 years admitted to internal medicine/(n = 186) Brazil ADR 46.2% of patients 11.8% (diuretics)
7.6% (captopril) of ADRs
1st (diuretics)
2nd (captopril)
LOS: increased (p < 0.001)
Cecile et al. 72 RCS Patients ⩾65 years/(n = 823) France ADEa,c 13.6% of patients 23.2% (CV)
15.2% (diuretics) of ADEs c
1st (CV)
4th (diuretics)
Trivalle et al. 79 Randomised prospective trial Patients ⩾65 years/(n = 576) France ADE a 223 ADEs identified 19.8% of ADEs 1st NR
Morimoto et al. 80 PCS Patients ⩾15 years/(n = 3459 admissions) Japan ADE 21% of patients 5.1% of ADEs 5th Mortality: 1.6% of ADEs
Severity: 4.9% life threatening
Conforti et al. 57 PCS Patients ⩾65 years/(n = 1023) Italy ADR 25% of patients 32.4% of ADRs 1st (diuretics) LOS: increased (no p value reported)
O’Connor et al. 71 PCS Patients ⩾65 years/(n = 513) Ireland ADR 26% of patients 25% (diuretics)
17% (anti-HTN) of ADRs
1st (diuretics)
4th (anti-HTN)
Severity: 24% were severe
Parikh et al. 81 RCS All patients/(n = 57,205) AU ADE a 0.7% of admissions 9% of ADEs 4th NR
Paradissis et al. 22 RCS Patients ⩾65 years/(n = 164) AU ADE a 7.3% of patients 44% of ADEs 1st LOS: increased (p = 0.043)
Rojas-Velandia et al. 82 RCS Patients admitted to ICU/(n = 697 patients) Colombia ADR 11.0% of patients 33.3% 2nd Preventable: 44% of ADRs
Robb et al. 83 RCS All patients/(n = 2659) New Zealand ADE/MRHa,d 28% of patients e 5.4% of MRH 5th (furosemide)
8th (metoprolol)
Severity: 1.6% permanent disability or death, 2.4% required an intervention to sustain life

Includes medication errors.


n.b. leading drug type was ‘other’.


Includes ADEs causing admission; inpatient rate not separated in analysis.


terms used interchangeably.


Includes ADEs causing admission, readmission and inpatient ADEs.

ADE, adverse drug event; ADR, adverse drug reaction; AE, adverse events; antiHTN, antihypertensives, AU, Australia; CCS, case-control study; CV, cardiovascular; FADR, fatal ADR; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; LR, literature review; MA, meta-analysis; MRH, medication-related harm; NR, not reported; OS, observational study; pADE, preventable ADE; pADR, preventable ADR; PCS, prospective cohort study; POS, prospective observational study (includes PCS/CCS/cross-sectional study); RCS, retrospective cohort study; ROS, retrospective observational study (includes RCS/CCS/cross sectional study); SR, systematic review; USA, United States of America.