Promoted tissue growth induced by overexpression of Drosophila miR-133. (A) The sequences of mature miRNAs are compared between Drosophila (dme-miR-133) and various mammalian miR-133s (hsa, Homo sapiens; rno, Rattus norvegicus; mmu, Mus musculus; gga, Gallus gallus; xtr, Xenopus tropicalis; dre, Danio rerio). Conserved sequences are indicated at the bottom of each comparison. (B) Representative images of Drosophila wing discs are shown for those with (right) and without overexpression of miR-133 (left). Scale bar, 100 μm. (C) The pooled data are shown for measurements of the size of wing discs in each genotype indicated. The number of wing discs examined: 9 and 18 for UAS-miR-133 with and without 459.2-GAL4, respectively. Mean ± SEM values are indicated. *, P<0.05.